07.06.2013, 14:41
Es ist absolut göttlich, wie er meint es sei möglich die 4.41 zu machen und dann ein Video von Kevin Hays dazuschreibt, wo er auf dem Scramble nach 100+ Versuchen eine 4.34 geschafft hat. Vor allem mit seinem 3 Sekunden J-Perm..
Der muss leider sein..

Kevin Hays schrieb:The claim is that the cube was solved using a triple x cross, R U R' last insertion, and a J perm.
The scramble: F2 D2 B2 F2 R F2 L' D2 B U B2 R' F2 U' F' D' L D2
I solved it using one of the optimal solutions given the constraints: D L' B R2 U L2 B' D' B U D2 L' D2 R U F2 y R U R' U2 Jperm
Of course this may not have been the exact solution, but I'm just showing how absurd it would be for someone to get a 4.41 on this scramble in an actual competition.
I could barely get under 4.41 despite trying over 100 times, already knowing the solution, and having absolutely 0 pauses for lookahead.
In my opinion there is absolutely no way someone could do this in a real competition without having cheated beforehand