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[Gesamtübersicht] Melbourne Cube Day und Feliks Weltrekorde
Ich war eben mal wieder auf Waffles Youtubeseite und hab ein Video von ihm gesehen in dem er "Zeroing" verwendet. Die Technik ist von Feliks "erfunden" worden, aber er macht kein Tutorial solange er nicht das Einverständnis von Feliks dafür hat. Denke es gehört hier rein, weil Feliks damit seine Weltrekorde geschafft hat.
Hier das Video:
3/5 AVG 12.47 (Click to View)
Hier die Beschreibung:

Average: 12.47
Standard Deviation: 0.23
Best Time: 11.88
Worst Time: 17.56
Individual Times:
1. 12.63 B F D' U B F R' D2 U2 F D U2 L' U' B' D U' F2 L' D2 L2 B2 F2 U2 F'
2. 12.05 L B2 D' F' D U' R' B2 F D2 U2 R' B U R2 U' R2 B2 R2 D U' L' D U R'
3. (17.56) B2 U' L2 B2 U' R' B D U B' D' R' D2 U' F U' B' F L F2 L' D U2 B' F'
4. 12.72 R' D2 U' B F L R' D U' R2 B D' U2 F2 L F2 D' U2 B2 F U L U' F' D'
5. (11.88) L' B' R' D F L2 R' D2 U L2 U B D B' D' U L' R' B2 L' R2 D2 B2 R2 F'

Zeroing is the technique that Faz used to get his WR single and avg and is a BLOCKBUILDING TECHNIQUE that faz adapted into his CFOP solutions. At this point there is no specific tutorial on zeroing and only faz, anthony brooks and myself (well I decided to really use it now :3) use the zeroing system.

The phasing while Zeroing on Blocks was a little difficult for me. I know how to zero before blocks but it seems like the execution is just a little meh at this point so pardon me for being so damn slow. Overall, applying zeroing techniques into my blocks drastically reduced the move count and made even some of the worse solves easier. Note the consistency between solves. Even though they're slower than usual, Zeroing helped me keep to a similar block building solution almost everytime. The 17 was because I messed up the second phasing before actually building the block

EDIT: Gerade bei den Kommentaren gefunden:
Zitat:well "F2L after zeroing" was made up. but zeroing is actually something that anthony, faz, rowe, myself, and statue have been developing. We wanted an application that you can use for almost all methods and be very effective. silly anthony freaking let out the secret before we finished
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RE: [Gesamtübersicht] Melbourne Cube Day und Feliks Weltrekorde - von crisis - 18.11.2010, 19:42

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