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Normale Version: 3x3 Trainingslager (Täglicher Average of 50)
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PB sind Mo50, Ao12 und Ao5; außerdem zum ersten Mal bei einer 50er-Serie 4 sub30
Statistics for 03-07-2015 18:52:33
Cubes Solved: 50/50
Number of Pops: 0
Average: 36.19
Standard Deviation: 5.82
Best Time: 26.69
Worst Time: 1:01.07
Individual Times: (Click to View)
Ao12: 33.93
Ao12list: 28.77, 30.31, (54.74), 34.65, 38.33, (26.69), 34.47, 34.70, 36.89, 33.49, 38.33, 29.40
Ao5: 32.16
Ao5list: 31.53, (28.77), 30.31, (54.74), 34.65
Generated By csTimer on 2015-3-8
solves/total: 50/50

best: 8.57
worst: 13.67

mean of 3
current: 10.10 (σ = 0.48)
best: 9.42 (σ = 0.53)

avg of 5
current: 10.37 (σ = 0.27)
best: 9.76 (σ = 0.15)

avg of 12
current: 10.79 (σ = 0.79)
best: 10.32 (σ = 0.82)

avg of 50
current: 10.85 (σ = 0.88)
best: 10.85 (σ = 0.88)

Average: 10.85 (σ = 0.88)
Mean: 10.89

Time List:
10.06, 13.09, 10.99, 8.57, 12.64, 10.96, 11.28, 10.77, 11.16, 11.64, 11.55, 11.34, 10.27, 10.18, 10.07, 13.67, 9.16, 11.29, 13.42, 10.08, 11.97, 11.14, 10.17, 11.05, 11.64, 11.75, 9.96, 12.86, 11.87, 10.85, 9.27, 11.22, 10.79, 9.93, 9.85, 9.84, 9.59, 8.82, 11.97, 12.10, 12.23, 11.18, 10.18, 9.50, 10.87, 10.80, 10.44, 10.07, 9.64, 10.60
Generated By csTimer on 2015-3-8
solves/total: 50/50

best: 8.79
worst: 16.63

mean of 3
current: 12.40 (σ = 1.41)
best: 9.99 (σ = 0.82)

avg of 5
current: 12.27 (σ = 0.24)
best: 10.50 (σ = 0.09)

avg of 12
current: 12.66 (σ = 0.96)
best: 11.94 (σ = 1.62)

avg of 50
current: 12.51 (σ = 1.27)
best: 12.51 (σ = 1.27)
Joa nett
Nach etwas Pause geht es heute weiter. Leider hatte ich etwas Computerprobleme und kriege es gerade nicht auf die Reihe, die einzelnen Zeiten zu posten. Ich fasse mich daher kurz:

Average: 38.024
Best: 28.744
Worst: 52.673
Hehe Big Grin
Generated By csTimer on 2015-3-10
solves/total: 50/50

best: 8.48
worst: 17.62

mean of 3
current: 11.24 (σ = 0.95)
best: 10.08 (σ = 1.72)

avg of 5
current: 12.38 (σ = 1.09)
best: 11.12 (σ = 0.47)

avg of 12
current: 12.82 (σ = 1.54)
best: 11.69 (σ = 1.16)

avg of 50
current: 12.44 (σ = 1.28)
best: 12.44 (σ = 1.28)

Average: 12.44 (σ = 1.28)
Mean: 12.54

Arbeit Arbeit

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