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Normale Version: 3x3 Trainingslager (Täglicher Average of 50)
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Für mich ganz gut und immerhin eine Serie von 16 sub40.
Solves alle auf Gelb... ich glaub ich lass es besser
Keiner unter 30, aber immerhin ein Avg deutlich unter 40.
Diesmal ein Color Neutral average of 50 Big Grin

best: 7.99
worst: 16.56

mean of 3
current: 13.79 (σ = 2.67)
best: 8.74 (σ = 0.68)

avg of 5
current: 11.86 (σ = 1.50)
best: 9.26 (σ = 0.31)

avg of 12
current: 10.82 (σ = 1.58)
best: 9.78 (σ = 0.54)

avg of 50
current: 11.07 (σ = 1.49)
best: 11.07 (σ = 1.49)

Average: 11.07 (σ = 1.49)
Mean: 11.20
Generated By csTimer on 2015-2-28
solves/total: 50/50

best: 7.97
worst: 12.12

mean of 3
current: 10.56 (σ = 0.83)
best: 9.23 (σ = 1.22)

avg of 5
current: 10.24 (σ = 0.47)
best: 9.31 (σ = 1.01)

avg of 12
current: 10.45 (σ = 0.71)
best: 9.71 (σ = 0.58)

avg of 50
current: 10.32 (σ = 0.88)
best: 10.32 (σ = 0.88)

Average: 10.32 (σ = 0.88)
Mean: 10.29

Time List:
10.16, 11.41, 9.79, 10.18, 9.66, 9.64, 10.74, 11.47, 11.81, 9.39, 10.56, 8.67, 12.12, 10.60, 11.74, 11.74, 11.11, 8.28, 9.35, 10.47, 10.30, 8.11, 10.48, 10.03, 11.71, 11.62, 10.91, 9.48, 9.16, 10.87, 9.31, 11.82, 9.52, 9.63, 8.96, 10.47, 9.84, 8.82, 9.83, 10.08, 11.47, 10.81, 11.94, 10.90, 7.97, 9.33, 10.40, 10.62, 11.36, 9.71

Edit: Pff Kevin ... nur 7.99 single Tongue
nicht gut...

tats: (hide)
number of times: 49/50
best time: 9.20
worst time: 15.63

current avg5: 13.29 (σ = 0.57)
best avg5: 11.57 (σ = 0.44)

current avg12: 13.00 (σ = 1.44)
best avg12: 11.59 (σ = 0.67)

current avg50: 12.44 (σ = 1.08)
best avg50: 12.44 (σ = 1.08)

session avg: 12.44 (σ = 1.08)
session mean: 12.38
Solves ... ist ok für Gelb only:
Seiten: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34