MBF of the Day: 1/2 in 9:15
Hab die Memo für den 2. Cube oft verhauen...
1. L' U' F' U' L2 B2 D' B2 L2 D' U' F D2 U B2 L' R' B2 F' R
2. F L2 F2 R' D' R2 D2 L2 F L' B L U' B U' L2 R D' U2 R2
Und auf ein neues: 2/2 6:46
Endlich mal n Success sub 10

1. F' L U2 B2 F' D' U2 F' U F D2 U' R2 B' R F D2 B' D' R'
2. L2 U B2 F L R' B' F2 R' F2 U2 L' U B' D2 U2 F2 D2 U2 R2
Rubik's cube one-handed
22.08.2015 00:50:39 - 01:26:27
Mean: 20.28
Average: 20.10
Best time: 16.51
Median: 19.54
Worst time: 34.23
Standard deviation: 2.92
Best average of 5: 17.03 (PB)
2-6 - 17.04 17.31 (16.51) (21.15) 16.75
Best average of 12: 19.12 (PB)
1-12 - 22.48 17.04 17.31 (16.51) 21.15 16.75 21.23 17.55 21.83 18.13 (23.24) 17.72
Rubik's cube one-handed
23.08.2015 05:25:51 - 05:45:31
Mean: 19.95
Average: 19.89
Best time: 14.73
Median: 19.47
Worst time: 26.98
Standard deviation: 2.88
Best average of 5: 17.70
23-27 - 18.64 17.09 (19.61) 17.38 (16.15)
Best average of 12: 18.37 (PB)
16-27 - (14.73) (23.65) 17.84 17.21 19.30 20.98 19.47 18.64 17.09 19.61 17.38 16.15
MBF of the day: 1/3 in 14:44
einmal 2 geflippte Edges und einmal hab ich mich beim Parity vertan und dabei dann irgendwas gemacht^^
Bin zufrieden mit der Zeit

1. B2 U' L' B U2 R' F2 R' U L2 D' L B' D2 U' B F' U B2 F' L R U B2 F' R2 D2 U B' D'
2. F' D U' L B' D U L2 D2 B2 D' B2 F' D2 F R' D' F L D B' D2 L' R2 F2 L' R2 D2 U2 L2
3. R F' L D2 F2 R' F2 R2 B2 D U F' L U' R' U2 R F' D' L' R B' F2 L' B F L' B' F L'
Notiz an mich:
Nach MBF kein Blind. Meine Success Rate ist danach immer so weit unten, wie das RTL Niveau...
Rubik's cube
23.08.2015 09:14:39 - 09:24:40
Mean: DNF
Average: 12.18
Best time: 8.87
Median: 11.42
Worst time: DNF
Standard deviation: 2.35
Best average of 5: 10.53
12-16 - 10.54 10.96 10.08 (11.32) (8.87)
Best average of 12: 11.17 (PB)
5-16 - 11.77 (13.69) 12.37 10.64 11.79 11.24 10.97 10.54 10.96 10.08 11.32 (8.87)
MBF of the day: 0/3 on 12:01
3cycle, Move verdreht und 2*2 edges^^
Vielleicht mach ich gleich noch einen

1. B L F2 D U' L' R2 F2 U' B2 D U F2 U' B L2 D' U' L F'
2. B2 F' R2 B2 F' R2 D' L2 F2 U L2 U2 B2 L2 D2 R U2 R' D R
3. L' B' U B D B F2 R D2 L B' F' D2 L B R F2 D R' D2
Rubik's cube
24.08.2015 11:00:07 - 11:11:58
Mean: 11.22
Average: 11.22
Best time: 8.76
Median: 11.13
Worst time: 13.84
Standard deviation: 1.39
Best average of 5: 10.46
8-12 - 10.05 10.66 (11.57) 10.68 (8.76)
Best average of 12: 10.74 (PB)
12-23 - (8.76) 11.76 10.50 10.50 (13.84) 9.01 12.91 11.38 8.87 11.32 10.94 10.24
2x2x2 cube (100 Solves)
25.08.2015 07:46:10 - 08:12:08
Mean: DNF
Average: 3.92 (endlich sub 4 ^^)
Best time: 2.15
Median: 3.82
Worst time: DNF
Standard deviation: 0.99
Best average of 5: 3.20
90-94 - 2.71 (4.76) (2.67) 3.37 3.52
Best average of 12: 3.54
83-94 - 2.77 4.48 2.74 2.99 (4.84) 3.48 4.54 2.71 4.76 (2.67) 3.37 3.52