Ao 5 OH: 17.94 (17.82) (22.88) 17.98 18.90 = 18.27
4x4x4 cube
09.05.2015 03:28:47 - 04:13:38
Mean: 57.64
Average: 57.23
Best time: 42.51 (PB)
Median: 55.62
Worst time: 1:25.24
Standard deviation: 8.58
Best average of 5: 50.78 (PB)
24-28 - 54.07 (1:05.42) (42.51) 51.95 46.33
Best average of 12: 54.09 (PB)
20-31 - 59.81 45.39 54.58 53.27 54.07 1:05.42 (42.51) 51.95 46.33 (1:10.24) 57.24 52.84
Rubik's cube
24.05.2015 01:55:20 - 02:16:05
Mean: 12.40
Average: 12.38
Best time: 9.78
Median: 12.31
Worst time: 15.92
Standard deviation: 1.17
Best average of 5: 10.94
6-10 - (9.78) 11.00 10.14 (11.87) 11.69
Best average of 12: 11.94
3-14 - 12.83 12.74 12.31 (9.78) 11.00 10.14 11.87 11.69 (13.72) 13.08 11.97 11.80
Ziemlich nicer Average
18:32 4BLD DNF
zeitlich werd ich schonmal gut besser
5x5x5 cube
25.05.2015 01:58:33 - 02:39:31
Mean: 1:34.20
Average: 1:33.07
Best time: 1:24.27
Median: 1:32.24
Worst time: 2:01.08
Standard deviation: 10.03
Best average of 5: 1:28.72 (PB)
7-11 - 1:27.85 (1:55.05) (1:24.27) 1:33.96 1:24.35
Best average of 12: 1:31.07 (PB)
5-16 - 1:28.55 1:35.40 1:27.85 (1:55.05) (1:24.27) 1:33.96 1:24.35 1:32.24 1:30.69 1:33.06 1:24.58 1:40.02
Blind Single PB: 1:33.52 U L2 U R2 D R2 U L2 U' B2 U' F D L' U' R' D B2 R2 U2 L2
Rubik's cube one-handed
29.05.2015 20:03:31 - 20:26:43
Mean: 22.63
Average: 22.02
Best time: 15.09
Median: 21.83
Worst time: 45.86
Standard deviation: 5.47
Best average of 5: 19.37
23-27 - (15.09) (21.18) 19.83 18.95 19.33
Best average of 12: 19.83 (PB)
16-27 - 21.95 17.75 18.29 19.99 (27.24) 21.46 19.52 (15.09) 21.18 19.83 18.95 19.33
Da mein 7er Scheiße ist:
2-6 Relay: 6:15.92
Edit: 6:07.26
5er zerstört:
5x5x5 cube (13 Solves)
15.06.2015 18:40:44 - 19:09:59
Mean: 1:30.67
Average: 1:30.37
Best time: 1:18.73
Median: 1:29.63
Worst time: 1:45.83
Standard deviation: 7.52
Best average of 5: 1:27.15 (PB)
2-6 - 1:23.99 1:22.29 1:35.18 (1:36.36) (1:21.09)
Best average of 12: 1:29.58 (PB)
2-13 - 1:23.99 1:22.29 1:35.18 1:36.36 1:21.09 1:35.82 (1:45.83) 1:29.63 1:28.86 (1:18.73) 1:33.83 1:28.75
Sub 1:30 ao12 war das Ziel
PC kaputt---> keine Posts
Tatsächliche Verbesserungen etc.:
7er: sub 5 Ao5/single und ich gehe richtung global sub 5
6er: way to sub 3
4er: ein paar Pbs hab mir vorgenommen sub 50 zu werden
Und vlt bald n bisschen megaminx trainieren