Zitat:[22:59] <+FabiAur> timebomb DerAhlkeWie man sich da besicken kann
[22:59] * Afrobot stuffs the bomb into DerAhlke's pants. The display reads [33] seconds.
[22:59] <@Afrobot> Diffuse the bomb by cutting the correct wire. There are seven wires. They are Black, Maroon, Aquamarine, Blue, Yellow, Violet and Beige.
[23:00] <+FabiAur> Tentacius: Ja? Nein?
[23:00] <+DerAhlke> DkH: ok
[23:00] <+DerAhlke> wir machens so
[23:00] <+FabiAur> buuf weg
[23:00] == DerAhlke was kicked from #speedcubers.de by Afrobot [*BOOM!*]
[23:00] <+FabiAur> Fabi ist gut
[23:00] <@loose> Afrobot: der ooruuuuh ist wieder gemein heute.
[23:00] <+Trymon> wenn er nicht grade irgendwelche dinge die treppe runterwirft
[23:01] <+DkH|Bat> U' R F U' F R U2 R F'
[23:01] <+Tentacius> DkH|Bat: zu spät
[23:01] <+Trymon> der ist explodiert
[23:01] == DerAhlke [~chatzilla@pD9E74B03.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #speedcubers.de
[23:01] == mode/#speedcubers.de [+v DerAhlke] by Q
[23:01] <+DerAhlke> wd
[23:02] <+FabiAur> timebomb DerAhlke
[23:02] <+Tentacius>
[23:02] * Afrobot stuffs the bomb into DerAhlke's pants. The display reads [20] seconds.
[23:02] <@Afrobot> Diffuse the bomb by cutting the correct wire. There are five wires. They are Indigo, Black, Fuchsia, Crimson and Gold.
[23:02] <+DerAhlke> HDF
[23:02] <+DerAhlke> hör mic zu mobben°
[23:02] <+Tentacius> FabiAur:
[23:02] <+DerAhlke> langsam is das nich mehr witzig
[23:02] <+FabiAur> Tentacius: Das ist Lustig
[23:02] == DerAhlke was kicked from #speedcubers.de by Afrobot [*BOOM!*]
[23:02] <+FabiAur> HAHAHAAHAHAH
[23:02] <+Trymon> es fängt grade erst an
[23:02] <@loose> FabiAur: gut jetzt
[23:02] <+FabiAur> Jaja schon klar3mal ist doof
[23:02] <+Tentacius> das kommt dann in den neulich im... thread
[23:02] <+FabiAur> obwohl alle guten Dinge.....

und weiter
Zitat:[23:02] <FabiAur> DerAhlke: Irgendwie wurdest du gekicked?
[23:02] <@loose> hihi
[23:03] <+DerAhlke> Timebomb loose
[23:03] * Afrobot stuffs the bomb into loose's pants. The display reads [27] seconds.
[23:03] <@Afrobot> Diffuse the bomb by cutting the correct wire. There are two wires. They are Fuchsia and Magenta.
[23:03] <@loose> o0
[23:03] <+DerAhlke> Timebomb Tentacius
[23:03] * Afrobot points at the bulge in the back of loose's pants.
[23:03] <@loose> cutwire fuchsia
[23:03] <@Afrobot> loose cut the Fuchsia wire. This has defused the bomb!
[23:03] <+FabiAur> timebomb DerAhlke
[23:03] * Afrobot stuffs the bomb into DerAhlke's pants. The display reads [58] seconds.
[23:03] <@Afrobot> Diffuse the bomb by cutting the correct wire. There are three wires. They are Silver, Maroon and Blue.
[23:03] <+FabiAur> jeeeetz gehts ab hier
[23:03] <@loose> ist ja gut jetzt -.-
[23:03] <+DerAhlke> Timebomb Fabiarthur
[23:03] * Afrobot points at the bulge in the back of DerAhlke's pants.
[23:03] <+FabiAur> Fabi Arthur
[23:04] <+DerAhlke> TimbombFabiAur
[23:04] <+DerAhlke> Timebomb FabiAur
[23:04] * Afrobot points at the bulge in the back of DerAhlke's pants.
[23:04] == DerAhlke was kicked from #speedcubers.de by Afrobot [*BOOM!*]
[23:04] <+Tentacius>
[23:04] <+Tentacius> was ist das Fuchsia dingens?
[23:04] <+FabiAur> Boa ist das geil
[23:04] <+FabiAur> ich bin unkickbar
Cubing Opa