Zitat:Yes, I finally managed the 6x6x6 blindfolded. This was the first time I got a success, I had done some attempts before, but always with mistakes.
The time was 22:23.73, memo 9:58.
The scramble was a bit lucky, there were a few more pieces solved than usual.
r' R f2 3r' l2 D' B' b2 L' 3u2 B l F' B' r2 u2 d' 3f2 f b' B F' d B b r' L U r' u2 3f2 R' B2 u R u l r' R u2 U2 r' U' l' 3u2 U u 3r' 3u2 b' U L' F' l' d2 3r2 3u l D2 3r l2 L2 U' 3u b2 L2 D' L2 3r D' 3f' r2 R2 D2 B b 3u' D f D2
I think this time is UWR, please tell me, if you know of a faster time.
Riesen Respekt auch von mir, vor allem für die Geduld und Zeit die du investiert hast. Ich find es echt klasse das Leute immer was neues probieren, wovon alle denken es sei unmöglich. TOP