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2. in-limit=32
B' U L' // EO
U B U B' U2 B // 222
D2 F D' F' L2 // 223
F' D2 F D2 F2 D F' D F' D F' // L3C in 25
ssf: B' U L' U B U B' U2 B D2 F D' F' L2 F' D2 F D2 F2 D F' D F' D * F'
* D R' D' L' D R D' L // 8-1/32
solution: B' U L' U B U B' U2 B D2 F D' F' L2 F' D2 F D2 F2 D F' D F' D2 R' D' L' D R D' L F'
Methode C-3PO: So lange auf den Würfel einreden, bis er sich entnervt freiwillig selbst zurückdreht.
Beiträge: 142
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Registriert seit: Sep 2016
Scramble: R' U' F D2 F R2 D2 B R2 B' L2 B2 U L F2 D B' F' L R2 U B U2 R' U' F
Solution: R' B' U F2 U' B2 U F2 U' L' B' R B L D' R F' D2 F2 L' F2 B2 U' D R2 D2 (26)
B D' R F' //EO + 3 pairs (4/4)
(D2 R2 D' U B2) //Blocks (5/9)
(F2 L F2 D2) //Good 6c (4/13)
Skeleton: * B D' R F' D2 F2 L' F2 B2 U' D R2 D2
* = R' B + L' B' R B L B' (8-2)
+ = B2 U F2 U' B2 U F2 U' (8-1)
Scramble: R' U' F U R2 D R2 B2 D' B2 L' D2 L2 R D U L2 F' U2 B L' B R' U' F
Solution: U' B' U B' U' D F2 L2 B L' D' L U D' B' D B R F2 R D' R L' F D2 (25)
U' B' U B //CO, and corners are just 2 moves from solved (4/4)
(D2 L F' R' L D) //DR (6/10)
(R L') //3e2e2e (2/12)
Skeleton 1: U' B' U B * R' L D' L' R F L' D2
* = B2 L2 B2 R2 F2 R2 //2e2e (6-2/16)
Here I have a nice 2e2e, or so it seems. The new insertion finder gives 24 inserting a 1-move setup to an 8-move 2e2e case with 1 cancellation (and it gives 22 starting from Skeleton 1 without my first insertion, inserting first an 8-move 2e2e that cancels 4 and then a 6-0 3-cycle). I couldn't find any good insertion, but I saw that I could replace the last 7 moves with D' R L' F D2 to get a 5e case:
Skeleton 2: U' B' U B' * L2 B2 R2 + F2 R D' R L' F D2
* = E'
+ = [R' B' D' B: E] blah
Not very satisfied with this last insertion, I was hoping for something 1 or moves better. However with this last skeleton I did beat the new insertion finder!
Scramble: R' U' F D' U L2 B2 U2 R2 U2 F' L D U2 F2 R' B' U2 L2 B U R' U' F
Solution: F2 B L U L U' R L' B L' B2 D' B' D B R' D F' R U2 D' L F' U' L2 (25)
(L2 U F) //Square + 2 pairs (3/3)
F2 * D F' R U2 //223 (5/8)
D' L //3c4e (2/10)
* = B R + B' D' B' D B R' //Pair 3-cycle to 3e (8/18)
+ = R' L U L U' R L' B L' B' (10-3)
26, 25, 25 = 25.3
Are you guys ready for German Nationals?
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Registriert seit: Sep 2016
28.07.2019, 15:53
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 28.07.2019, 18:12 von porkynator.)
(27.07.2019, 16:57)Sébastien schrieb: 2. mit und ohne Limit:
EO+2x2x1: U' B' * U2 L'
2x2x2: U' B
2x2x3: D2 L2 F' D2 F'
L3C: D F' D F D L2 D L2
* = B D2 B' U2 B D2 B' U2
Solution: U' D2 B' U2 B D2 B' L' U' B D2 L2 F' D2 F' D F' D F D L2 D L2
23 moves.
Nice solve! There is also a cool direct finish for another 23 (domino-style):
EO+2x2x1: U' B' * U2 L'
2x2x2: U' B
2x2x3: D2 L2 F' D2 F'
DR: D F' D F //up to here your moves, 15 total
Finish: B2 U B2 D B2 U' B2 D
Beiträge: 5.515
Themen: 79
Registriert seit: Dec 2010
(28.07.2019, 15:53)porkynator schrieb: Nice solve! There is also a cool direct finish for another 23 (domino-style):
EO+2x2x1: U' B' * U2 L'
2x2x2: U' B
2x2x3: D2 L2 F' D2 F'
DR: D F' D F //up to here your moves, 15 total
Finish: B2 U B2 D B2 U' B2 D
Thanks, I totally missed that. So I was pretty lucky to get 23 with insertions as well.
Your second solve is pretty nice too, did you also try to approach the 6 move L9E skeleton directly? The new IF gives a 21 for this.
(28.07.2019, 15:46)porkynator schrieb: Are you guys ready for German Nationals?
Let's see!
Beiträge: 2.279
Themen: 5
Registriert seit: Apr 2014
3. in-limit=35
F' B L B' // EO
U' B2 U L' D' // 222
(R' D' F2 D L2 D R D' L2) // 223
U' R' U2 R // F2L-1
R2 U2 R U2 R // L5C in 26
F' B L B' * U' B2 U L' D' U' R' U2 R' U2 # R U2 R L2 D R' D' L2 D' F2 D R
* B D B' U' B D' B' U // 8-5/29
# L' D2 L U2 L' D2 L U2 // 8-2/35 (IF says optimal)
solution: F' B L D B' U' B D' B U L' D' U' R' U2 R' L' D2 L U2 L' D2 L R U2 R L2 D R' D' L2 D' F2 D R
Methode C-3PO: So lange auf den Würfel einreden, bis er sich entnervt freiwillig selbst zurückdreht.
Beiträge: 142
Themen: 0
Registriert seit: Sep 2016
(28.07.2019, 18:36)Sébastien schrieb: Your second solve is pretty nice too, did you also try to approach the 6 move L9E skeleton directly? The new IF gives a 21 for this.
That was the first skeleton I wrote down, but I didn't try inserting it during the time limit (9 edges are bit awkward, and the other skeleton looked nicer). I tried it for the no time limit challenge, but I didn't get anything better than 25 or 26, I don't remember.
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Registriert seit: Oct 2018
29.07.2019, 15:23
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 29.07.2019, 15:35 von Fok96.)
**B D' R F' / EO
D2 F2 / pseudo 22
L' B2 F2 D * U' R2 D2/ good 6c in 13
* D L D' R2 D L' D' R2(7)
**R' B L' B' R B L B' (6)
R' B L' B' R B L D' R F' D2 F2 L' B2 F2 D2 L D' R2 D L' D' R2 U' R2 D2 (26)
meh insertions but still 26
2. R' U' F U R2 D R2 B2 D' B2 L' D2 L2 R D U L2 F' U2 B L' B R' U' F
(U L2 B' L')// EO
L2 F' R2 F' //setup
U' B2 U //DR trigger
B2 L2 U2 R2 B2 L2 F2 /3e3c in 18
L2 F'** R2 F' U' B2 U B2 *L2 U2 R2 B2 L2 F2 L B L2 U'
* D2 F L2 U2 R2 B U2 L2 (4)
** F' L F R F' L' F R' (6)
L2 F2 L F R F' L' F R F' U' B2 U B2 D2 F L2 U2 R2 B R2 B2 L2 F2 L B L2 U'(28)
More but could not find insertions:
from setup
D' R2 D //DR trigger
B2 L2 U2 R2 B2 L2 F2/ another 3e3c in 18
from Setup
U2 D L2 D // DR trigger
B2 L2 U2 F2 /another 3e3c in 16
IF gives 26 with woaj insertions
3. R' U' F D' U L2 B2 U2 R2 U2 F' L D U2 F2 R' B' U2 L2 B U R' U' F
F D' R ( L2 U F L) / EO + WHAT 7/7
U F U L2 / 3e4c 4/11
B D B' D' / AB3Pairs 4/15
D' R' D B D B' D' R/ the end 7/22
F D' R U F U L2 B D B' D2 R' D B D B' D' R L' F' U' L2(22)
More skeletons:
F D' R U F U L F' U' L2 /3e4c in 10
IF gives 22 with normal insertion
from EO:
( B D' B' L2 U2) /3c4e in 12
IF gives 24 with normal insertions
Beiträge: 44
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Registriert seit: Dec 2018
@Fok96 when is the DR doc coming out?
Beiträge: 101
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Registriert seit: Oct 2018
(02.08.2019, 17:32)asacuber schrieb: @Fok96 when is the DR doc coming out?
It've just completed it (after hours of fact checking and layout fixing) It' s ready to be published. Is probably coming out tomorrow ( Saturday 3 August). I'll post it here and on the FM group on Facebook!
Beiträge: 2.279
Themen: 5
Registriert seit: Apr 2014
Die Auswertung:
Sébastien 26,23,26=25,0
Fok96 26,28,22=25,3
porkynator 26,25,25=25,3
Jacck 27,32,35=31,3
Und bis Freitag, 09.08.2019, 17:00 Uhr:
1. R' U' F R2 D2 R2 B2 U2 F U2 F2 U2 F2 L' D' L B R U' L2 B' D' R2 F' R' U' F
2. R' U' F L2 B D2 F' R2 B U2 R2 U2 F R D' B' F' U2 B' F2 R B2 F2 R' U' F
3. R' U' F U2 F U2 R2 B D2 B2 L' D R' F D B' L2 F' R' B' F' U R' U' F
Methode C-3PO: So lange auf den Würfel einreden, bis er sich entnervt freiwillig selbst zurückdreht.