12.10.2018, 18:48
Die Auswertung:
Welcome here, Fok96! Nice for me to have someone here who is not always sub30
campos 24,25,26=25,0
porkynator 21,29,27=25,7
Jacck 33,35,26=31,3
Fok96 34,33,[34]=[33,7] (hmm, third solution is missing a ' at the 2nd L - but it's your first time
speedou 24,26,DNS=DNF
Sébastien 24,DNS,DNS=DNF
Und bis Freitag, 19.10.2018, 17:00 Uhr (generated with the new TNoodle 13.5):
1. R' U' F D2 L2 D2 R2 F2 D2 L F' U' B2 F L2 B' D R' D2 L F2 R' U' F
2. R' U' F D2 F' R2 D2 U2 F' R2 U2 L' D2 F2 L2 F R D' R2 B D U' R' U' F
3. R' U' F D2 L R2 B2 L2 B2 D2 R B2 F' L2 R2 B R' D' F U' B' F' L' U' R' U' F
Welcome here, Fok96! Nice for me to have someone here who is not always sub30

campos 24,25,26=25,0
porkynator 21,29,27=25,7
Jacck 33,35,26=31,3
Fok96 34,33,[34]=[33,7] (hmm, third solution is missing a ' at the 2nd L - but it's your first time

speedou 24,26,DNS=DNF
Sébastien 24,DNS,DNS=DNF
Und bis Freitag, 19.10.2018, 17:00 Uhr (generated with the new TNoodle 13.5):
1. R' U' F D2 L2 D2 R2 F2 D2 L F' U' B2 F L2 B' D R' D2 L F2 R' U' F
2. R' U' F D2 F' R2 D2 U2 F' R2 U2 L' D2 F2 L2 F R D' R2 B D U' R' U' F
3. R' U' F D2 L R2 B2 L2 B2 D2 R B2 F' L2 R2 B R' D' F U' B' F' L' U' R' U' F
Methode C-3PO: So lange auf den Würfel einreden, bis er sich entnervt freiwillig selbst zurückdreht.