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24.09.2017, 03:44
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 24.09.2017, 03:45 von chriscuber123.)
3. with and without limit (32):
U R2 D' // EO
(B' D2 L' R) // psps2x2x3
B R B' L2 // 2x2x3
B' R B R' B' U2 // F2L-1
B2 R B2 R' B // L5C
skeleton: U R2 D' B R B' L2 B' R B * R' B' U2 B2 R B2 R' B R' L D2 B
*: F2 R' ^ B' R F2 R' B R
^: L' F2 L B' L' F2 L B
final solution: U R2 D' B R B' L2 B' R B F2 R' L' F2 L B' L' F2 L R F2 R' U2 B2 R B2 R' B R' L D2 B (32)
didn't like this scramble very much
28, 22, 32 = 27.33 mean
Beiträge: 118
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Registriert seit: May 2017
1. (With Limit)
(F’) // partial EO (1)
R2 // pair (2)
(D2 R2 F2) // 2x2x2 (5)
(D’) // pair (6)
(L’ B D2 B) // EO+4 pairs (10)
(L D’ L’) // 223 (13)
(D’ B2)// F2L-1 (15)
(R D’ R’ D’) // 3c (19)
Skeleton: R2 D R D R’ B2 D L D L’ B’ D2 B’ L D % F2 R2 D2 F
%: D’ F’ U2 F D F’ U2 F (cancels 3)
Solution: R2 D R D R’ B2 D L D L’ B’ D2 B’ L F’ U2 F D F’ U2 F’ R2 D2 F
24 moves.
Beiträge: 118
Themen: 0
Registriert seit: May 2017
2. (With Limit)
R’ U F // EO
L’ R D’ // 222
F2 L2 U2 // F2L-1 missing corner
(L2 D’ L’ D L2) // 3E5C (14)
(U2 B L’ D’ L2 D L B’ L2 U2) //block comm to 3c, cancels 4 with normal (20)
Skeleton: R’ U F L’ R D’ F2 B L’ D’ L2 D L B’ U2 L2 D’ L % D L2
%: L’ B2 L F L’ B2 L F’ (cancels 2)
Solution: R’ U F L’ R D’ F2 B L’ D’ L2 D L B’ U2 L2 D’ B2 L F L’ B2 L F’ D L2
26 moves.
Beiträge: 118
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Registriert seit: May 2017
(22.09.2017, 23:11)chriscuber123 schrieb: 2. with and without limit (22):
(D' R U B) // EO
L2 (U D B2 F2 D) // L5C (10 moves!)
skeleton: L2 D' F2 B2 * D' U' B' U' R' D
*: R2 ^ U L2 U' R2 U L2 U'
^: R' D R U R' D' R U'
final solution: L2 D' F2 B2 R D R U R' D' R L2 U' R2 U L2 U2 D' B' U' R' D (22)
lucky skeleton, unlucky insertions 
at least they were optimal
Dang, this scramble had too many good EOs. I wasted too much time exploring the normal scramble EOs to get to inverse
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Registriert seit: May 2017
(24.09.2017, 19:55)ColorfulPockets schrieb: (22.09.2017, 23:11)chriscuber123 schrieb: 2. with and without limit (22):
(D' R U B) // EO
L2 (U D B2 F2 D) // L5C (10 moves!)
skeleton: L2 D' F2 B2 * D' U' B' U' R' D
*: R2 ^ U L2 U' R2 U L2 U'
^: R' D R U R' D' R U'
final solution: L2 D' F2 B2 R D R U R' D' R L2 U' R2 U L2 U2 D' B' U' R' D (22)
lucky skeleton, unlucky insertions 
at least they were optimal
Dang, this scramble had too many good EOs. I wasted too much time exploring the normal scramble EOs to get to inverse 
I wrote down a bunch of EOs at the beginning but as soon as I tried this EO I found that skeleton lol
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Registriert seit: May 2017
(25.09.2017, 21:38)chriscuber123 schrieb: (24.09.2017, 19:55)ColorfulPockets schrieb: (22.09.2017, 23:11)chriscuber123 schrieb: 2. with and without limit (22):
(D' R U B) // EO
L2 (U D B2 F2 D) // L5C (10 moves!)
skeleton: L2 D' F2 B2 * D' U' B' U' R' D
*: R2 ^ U L2 U' R2 U L2 U'
^: R' D R U R' D' R U'
final solution: L2 D' F2 B2 R D R U R' D' R L2 U' R2 U L2 U2 D' B' U' R' D (22)
lucky skeleton, unlucky insertions 
at least they were optimal
Dang, this scramble had too many good EOs. I wasted too much time exploring the normal scramble EOs to get to inverse 
I wrote down a bunch of EOs at the beginning but as soon as I tried this EO I found that skeleton lol
Yup. I found it as soon as I tried it too. Unfortunately, I didn't try it during the attempt
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Registriert seit: Oct 2016
26.09.2017, 05:46
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 26.09.2017, 06:02 von Calesch.)
3. mit Limit:
U // pair
(U' L B' D2) // 1x2x3
R2 F L D' L2 // 2x2x3
U R U // 3e4c
U R2 ^ F L D' L2 U @ R U D2 B L' U
^ = R' L D L' R
@ = U' L2 F2 R' D' R F2 L' U L'
Solution: U R L D L' R F L D' F2 R' D' R F2 L' U L' R U D2 B L' U
23 Moves
33, 25, 23 = 27,00
Beiträge: 61
Themen: 0
Registriert seit: Aug 2017
3. mit Limit
Scramble: R' U' F R2 D' F2 U2 R2 D2 U B2 F2 R2 U' L D' L' U' B' U' B' U2 R' U' F
U D R B2 F R //222
(U2 B2 L2 B L B) //223
F' L2 F2 U' F' U L2 //3C3E (19)
sk: U ^ D R B2 F R F' L2 F2 U' F' U L2 B' L' B' L2 B2 U2
^ = L D R' * D' L' D R D'
* = R L' D' L D R' L B' L' B
Solution: U L D L' D' L D R' L B' L' B D' L' D R' B2 F R F' L2 F2 U' F' U L2 B' L' B' L2 B2 U2 (32)
DNF, 28, 32 = DNF
Beiträge: 118
Themen: 0
Registriert seit: May 2017
26.09.2017, 07:38
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 26.09.2017, 07:39 von ColorfulPockets.
Bearbeitungsgrund: calculated mean wrong
3. (with limit)
Linear 29 lol. I could have had a 27 with an 8 move skeleton to 3E7C, but I kinda just stopped looking because I thought there wasn't anything good after 12 moves to 6C with one twisted corner. All of my ways of reducing to 5C only canceled 2, so I assumed it would be unlikely to find a way to cancel more than 5 on the next two comms (since I already checked the majority of ways this would be possible without nested insertions while checking the 6C skeleton). Unfortunately, there was a comm that canceled 4. I don't know if I would have found it within the time limit anyway.
All on inverse:
L' U // 2 pairs (2)
D' R2 D' L D' // 2x2x2 (7)
R F L' U L // 2x2x3 (12)
R U2 // place cross edge for the face with better EO (14)
F R F' // F2L-1 (17)
B' R2 B R' B' R B R' U R2 U' R2 // LL skip! (29)
Solution: R2 U R2 U' R B' R' B R B' R2 B F R' F' U2 R' L' U' L F' R' D L' D R2 D U' L
29 moves.
24, 26, 29 = 26.33 mean
Beiträge: 2.279
Themen: 5
Registriert seit: Apr 2014
Die Auswertung:
ColorfulPockets 24,26,29=26,3
Calesch 33,25,23=27,0
chriscuber123 28,22,32=27,3
ParhamSaeednia 32,22,32=28,7
CyanSandwich DNF,28,32=DNF
RicardoOlea 57,DNS,DNS=DNF
Hallo RicardoOlea, willkommen hier - und gleich in der ersten Woche in der Europa-Wertung auf Platz 2: Respekt!
Und bis 06.10.17 Uhr dreht sich alles um (already generated with the new TNoodle 12):
1. R' U' F U2 F D2 F L2 F' U2 L2 B U B U B' D2 R B2 R' B2 R F' R' U' F
2. R' U' F D2 B' L2 B' D2 B2 L2 R2 F' U2 R' U' L D2 F' U R' D' B2 U' R' U' F
3. R' U' F D2 R2 B2 R2 U2 R D2 F2 D2 B F D' L2 U' L D2 R2 F R' U' F
Methode C-3PO: So lange auf den Würfel einreden, bis er sich entnervt freiwillig selbst zurückdreht.