18.03.2015, 22:48
OK, ist vielleicht etwas off-topic, aber weil es was mit einem bevorstehenden Großereignis zu tun hat, bringe ich es trotzdem hier:
Durch Zufall bin ich auf den Originaltext eines weltweiten Nummer-1-Hits des Jahres 1978 gestoßen:
Young man there's no need to feel down
I said young man pick a cube off the ground
I said young man try to go for the crown
FMC makes happy
Young man there are three solves to go
I said young man just say Yes don‘t say No
You can go there and I'm sure you will find
only few moves in a good time.
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
Regensburg, Paderborn you will shurely enjoy
You can try out and find best ways.
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
Aren‘t You really keen
to get a marvelous mean
imagine how nice that would feel.
Young man, all in Europe stand up
I said, young man, and try to go for the cup
I said, young man, twentyeight-three-fifteen
is the date of this one thing.
Find out, where to switch for the best
I say Insert, try to cancel the rest
So just cube there, at the FMC-E
And there is even no fee!
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
Regensburg, Paderborn you will shurely enjoy
You can try out and find best turns.
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
Aren‘t You really keen
to get a marvelous mean
imagine how nice that would feel.
Will it - be a queen or king
how much will you need for the win
Will there be a DoubleU-Ar?
Will we see a new star?
Young girls, it‘s the some thing for you
I said young girls, do you know what to do,
So just join in at the FMC-E
it will be a great time shurely
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
Regensburg, Paderborn you will shurely enjoy
You can try out and find best turns.
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
Young men, young girls, there‘s no need to feel down
Young men, young girls, pick a cube off the ground
just go to the FMC-E
Young men, young girls, move the blocks all around
Young men, young girls, till the best way ist found
Tja, da bleibt einem ja wohl nichts anderes übrig, als sich anzumelden.
Das werde ich jetzt gleich mal tun und für den 28.03.2015 hoffe ich dann, dass Petrus für gutes Wetter sorgt und auf den Straßen Roux ist - und klar: als Training gibt es jetzt nur noch Blockschokolade
Durch Zufall bin ich auf den Originaltext eines weltweiten Nummer-1-Hits des Jahres 1978 gestoßen:
Young man there's no need to feel down
I said young man pick a cube off the ground
I said young man try to go for the crown
FMC makes happy
Young man there are three solves to go
I said young man just say Yes don‘t say No
You can go there and I'm sure you will find
only few moves in a good time.
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
Regensburg, Paderborn you will shurely enjoy
You can try out and find best ways.
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
Aren‘t You really keen
to get a marvelous mean
imagine how nice that would feel.
Young man, all in Europe stand up
I said, young man, and try to go for the cup
I said, young man, twentyeight-three-fifteen
is the date of this one thing.
Find out, where to switch for the best
I say Insert, try to cancel the rest
So just cube there, at the FMC-E
And there is even no fee!
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
Regensburg, Paderborn you will shurely enjoy
You can try out and find best turns.
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
Aren‘t You really keen
to get a marvelous mean
imagine how nice that would feel.
Will it - be a queen or king
how much will you need for the win
Will there be a DoubleU-Ar?
Will we see a new star?
Young girls, it‘s the some thing for you
I said young girls, do you know what to do,
So just join in at the FMC-E
it will be a great time shurely
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
Regensburg, Paderborn you will shurely enjoy
You can try out and find best turns.
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
It's fun to stay at the FMC-E,
Young men, young girls, there‘s no need to feel down
Young men, young girls, pick a cube off the ground
just go to the FMC-E
Young men, young girls, move the blocks all around
Young men, young girls, till the best way ist found
Tja, da bleibt einem ja wohl nichts anderes übrig, als sich anzumelden.
Das werde ich jetzt gleich mal tun und für den 28.03.2015 hoffe ich dann, dass Petrus für gutes Wetter sorgt und auf den Straßen Roux ist - und klar: als Training gibt es jetzt nur noch Blockschokolade

Methode C-3PO: So lange auf den Würfel einreden, bis er sich entnervt freiwillig selbst zurückdreht.