26.02.2014, 19:19
Wtf!!!! Was ist den mit mir los??
Erst mein allererster sub 20 avg of 5 und gleich danach auch noch nen avg of 12 sub 20(wieder ist ein Ziel für das Jahr geschafft
solves/total: 50/50
best: 15.438
worst: 27.584
mean of 3
current: 22.033 (σ = 3.43)
best: 17.746 (σ = 2.05)7-9
avg of 5
current: 22.599 (σ = 1.96)
best: 19.046 (σ = 0.60)22-26
avg of 12
current: 22.044 (σ = 1.59)
best: 19.980 (σ = 1.98)7-18
avg of 50
current: 21.160 (σ = 1.90)
best: 21.160 (σ = 1.90)1-50
Average: 21.160 (σ = 1.90)
Mean: 21.156

solves/total: 50/50
best: 15.438
worst: 27.584
mean of 3
current: 22.033 (σ = 3.43)
best: 17.746 (σ = 2.05)7-9
avg of 5
current: 22.599 (σ = 1.96)
best: 19.046 (σ = 0.60)22-26
avg of 12
current: 22.044 (σ = 1.59)
best: 19.980 (σ = 1.98)7-18
avg of 50
current: 21.160 (σ = 1.90)
best: 21.160 (σ = 1.90)1-50
Average: 21.160 (σ = 1.90)
Mean: 21.156
Time List: (Click to View)