16.07.2018, 15:57
Rubik's cube (100 Solves)
Mean: 9.962
Average: 9.949
Best time: 7.279
Median: 9.844
Worst time: 13.938
Standard deviation: 1.326
Best average of 5: 9.074
9.001 8.463 (7.921) (10.599) 9.760
Best average of 12: 9.270
9.264 9.887 9.487 8.079 (12.134) 8.815 9.520 9.543 (7.279) 9.791 9.296 9.022
Mein erster sub10 Mo100
Ist noch Potential da, es ist mega warm und gegen Ende bin ich deutlich schlechter geworden^^
Mean: 9.962
Average: 9.949
Best time: 7.279
Median: 9.844
Worst time: 13.938
Standard deviation: 1.326
Best average of 5: 9.074
9.001 8.463 (7.921) (10.599) 9.760
Best average of 12: 9.270
9.264 9.887 9.487 8.079 (12.134) 8.815 9.520 9.543 (7.279) 9.791 9.296 9.022
Mein erster sub10 Mo100