22.04.2018, 22:21
Rubik's cube one-handed (75 Solves)
Mean: 15.958
Average: 15.933
Best time: 10.488
Median: 15.647
Worst time: 23.287
Standard deviation: 2.476
Best average of 5: 14.222
1-5 - (10.488) 13.642 14.551 (18.169) 14.474
Best average of 12: 14.691
8-19 - (12.759) 15.199 16.544 14.153 13.761 13.031 (20.511) 15.696 16.137 14.728 13.120 14.545
Ao50 war 15.52 und ist PB
Mean: 15.958
Average: 15.933
Best time: 10.488
Median: 15.647
Worst time: 23.287
Standard deviation: 2.476
Best average of 5: 14.222
1-5 - (10.488) 13.642 14.551 (18.169) 14.474
Best average of 12: 14.691
8-19 - (12.759) 15.199 16.544 14.153 13.761 13.031 (20.511) 15.696 16.137 14.728 13.120 14.545
Ao50 war 15.52 und ist PB