10.04.2016, 18:28
Square-1 (ca. 100 Solves)
Mean: 20.120
Average: 19.993
Best time: 10.847(Das hätte locker ne low 9 sein können...)
Median: 19.215
Worst time: 42.209
Standard deviation: 5.512
Best average of 5: 15.053 (PB)
30-34 - (12.835) 13.831 13.520 17.809 (18.680)
Best average of 12: 17.285 (PB)
30-41 - (12.835) 13.831 13.520 17.809 18.680 23.386 23.400 14.849 15.696 (25.390) 15.880 15.799
PB avg of 100: 19.872
Sub 20 of 100 und ziemlich nice Average PBs
Nur die Single ärgert mich etwas..
Mean: 20.120
Average: 19.993
Best time: 10.847(Das hätte locker ne low 9 sein können...)
Median: 19.215
Worst time: 42.209
Standard deviation: 5.512
Best average of 5: 15.053 (PB)
30-34 - (12.835) 13.831 13.520 17.809 (18.680)
Best average of 12: 17.285 (PB)
30-41 - (12.835) 13.831 13.520 17.809 18.680 23.386 23.400 14.849 15.696 (25.390) 15.880 15.799
PB avg of 100: 19.872
Sub 20 of 100 und ziemlich nice Average PBs