Square-1 (ca 40 Solves)
Mean: 21.165
Average: 21.019
Best time: 11.783
Median: 20.847
Worst time: 35.671
Standard deviation: 5.120
Best average of 5: 17.808
31-35 - (14.305) 18.599 15.479 19.348 (21.596)
Best average of 12: 18.180 (PB)
22-33 - (11.783) 20.082 22.264 (35.671) 14.071 19.362 15.727 20.564 21.356 14.305 18.599 15.479
Mean: 21.165
Average: 21.019
Best time: 11.783
Median: 20.847
Worst time: 35.671
Standard deviation: 5.120
Best average of 5: 17.808
31-35 - (14.305) 18.599 15.479 19.348 (21.596)
Best average of 12: 18.180 (PB)
22-33 - (11.783) 20.082 22.264 (35.671) 14.071 19.362 15.727 20.564 21.356 14.305 18.599 15.479