06.03.2016 17:33:14 - 17:55:59
Mean: 27.954
Average: 27.707
Best time: 17.975
Median: 25.130
Worst time: 43.112
Standard deviation: 8.315
Best average of 5: 19.586 (PB)
12-16 - (17.975) 18.160 (33.466) 19.687 20.912
Best average of 12: 24.419 (PB)
5-16 - 24.136 25.130 22.399 19.071 (42.617) 22.670 38.559 (17.975) 18.160 33.466 19.687 20.912
Sub 20 jey
Und Cubehong: Das der 2. um 1 Move und 3 Corners DNF war^^
06.03.2016 17:33:14 - 17:55:59
Mean: 27.954
Average: 27.707
Best time: 17.975
Median: 25.130
Worst time: 43.112
Standard deviation: 8.315
Best average of 5: 19.586 (PB)
12-16 - (17.975) 18.160 (33.466) 19.687 20.912
Best average of 12: 24.419 (PB)
5-16 - 24.136 25.130 22.399 19.071 (42.617) 22.670 38.559 (17.975) 18.160 33.466 19.687 20.912
Sub 20 jey

Und Cubehong: Das der 2. um 1 Move und 3 Corners DNF war^^