22.01.2014, 21:39
Mean: 17.39 (50 Solves)
Standard deviation: 4.40
Best Time: 8.62
Worst Time: 27.58
Best average of 5: 13.13
25-29 - 14.18 13.33 (11.55) (22.96) 11.87
Best average of 12: 15.11
18-29 - (8.62) 16.41 13.99 13.38 21.98 20.43 13.99 14.18 13.33 11.55 (22.96) 11.87
Mean: 17.39 (50 Solves)
Standard deviation: 4.40
Best Time: 8.62
Worst Time: 27.58
Best average of 5: 13.13
25-29 - 14.18 13.33 (11.55) (22.96) 11.87
Best average of 12: 15.11
18-29 - (8.62) 16.41 13.99 13.38 21.98 20.43 13.99 14.18 13.33 11.55 (22.96) 11.87