Best time: 1:43.86
Best average of 5: 1:54.85
1:52.08 (2:00.65) (1:43.86) 1:59.21 1:53.26
Best average of 12: 1:57.65
2:00.65 2:07.88 1:51.72 1:57.73 1:48.48 (2:20.74) 2:04.82 1:52.08 2:00.65 (1:43.86) 1:59.21 1:53.26
edit: Megaminx
Best average of 5: 1:54.85
1:52.08 (2:00.65) (1:43.86) 1:59.21 1:53.26
Best average of 12: 1:57.65
2:00.65 2:07.88 1:51.72 1:57.73 1:48.48 (2:20.74) 2:04.82 1:52.08 2:00.65 (1:43.86) 1:59.21 1:53.26
edit: Megaminx