CMLLs ohne Sunes
Mean of 100: 2,95
Mean of 130: 3.24
Standard deviation: 1.48
Best Time: 0.31
Worst Time: 8.54
Best average of 5: 1.38
120-124 - 1.62 2.21 (0.31) (3.04) 0.32
Best average of 12: 2.11
116-127 - 0.46 1.81 4.38 (4.97) 1.62 2.21 (0.31) 3.04 0.32 2.77 2.55 1.98
Mean of 100: 2,95
Mean of 130: 3.24
Standard deviation: 1.48
Best Time: 0.31
Worst Time: 8.54
Best average of 5: 1.38
120-124 - 1.62 2.21 (0.31) (3.04) 0.32
Best average of 12: 2.11
116-127 - 0.46 1.81 4.38 (4.97) 1.62 2.21 (0.31) 3.04 0.32 2.77 2.55 1.98
4x4 Ziele -sub 1;00 Avg 5 -sub 1;05 Avg12 -Konstant sub 1;10