22.11.2011, 21:04
[3x3 OH]
alles PB! Single war nonlucky
Mean: 26.22
Standard deviation: 3.49
Best Time: 21.01
Worst Time: 33.62
Best average of 5: 24.02
17-21 - 23.88 (30.88) (22.01) 25.92 22.27
Best average of 12: 25.18
10-21 - (21.01) 29.94 22.21 24.34 28.28 22.04 (33.62) 23.88 30.88 22.01 25.92 22.27
alles PB! Single war nonlucky
Mean: 26.22
Standard deviation: 3.49
Best Time: 21.01
Worst Time: 33.62
Best average of 5: 24.02
17-21 - 23.88 (30.88) (22.01) 25.92 22.27
Best average of 12: 25.18
10-21 - (21.01) 29.94 22.21 24.34 28.28 22.04 (33.62) 23.88 30.88 22.01 25.92 22.27
Session (Click to View)