Single + beide Avg PBs
Mean: 170.17
Standard deviation: 12.29
Best Time: 140.62
Worst Time: 182.88
Best average of 5: 156.84
10-14 - 160.21 154.64 (182.88) 155.66 (140.62)
Best average of 12: 169.80
3-14 - 179.03 175.56 174.58 170.75 168.57 176.97 182.04 160.21 154.64 (182.88) 155.66 (140.62)
Edit: Session gespoilert.

Mean: 170.17
Standard deviation: 12.29
Best Time: 140.62
Worst Time: 182.88
Best average of 5: 156.84
10-14 - 160.21 154.64 (182.88) 155.66 (140.62)
Best average of 12: 169.80
3-14 - 179.03 175.56 174.58 170.75 168.57 176.97 182.04 160.21 154.64 (182.88) 155.66 (140.62)
Session (Click to View)