17.05.2010, 15:16
Cubes Solved: 50/50
Number of Pops: 0
Average: 6.19
Standard Deviation: 1.32
Best Time: 1.55
Worst Time: 8.71
Individual Times:
Single PB, of 5 PB, of 12 PB und natürlich of 50 PB. Allerdings sind da ein paar ziemliche Lucky Scrambles bei!
Number of Pops: 0
Average: 6.19
Standard Deviation: 1.32
Best Time: 1.55
Worst Time: 8.71
Individual Times:
Spoiler (Click to View)
Single PB, of 5 PB, of 12 PB und natürlich of 50 PB. Allerdings sind da ein paar ziemliche Lucky Scrambles bei!
Spoiler (Click to View)
Cubing Opa