WCA Regulations and Guidelines 2014

auf der wca-seite habe ich nich nichts dazu gefunden. was ist dvaon zu halten?

vincents schrieb:Members of the WCA Community:

After your extensive discussion and input on the 2014 WCA Regulations, the Board has decided to amend two points, effective immediately:

Cubes with painted colours are permitted, provided that the puzzles in question comply with all Regulations (except 3d as currently written). Note that this decision does not allow so-called "Stickerless" puzzles currently banned by 3h2.
3d3, the "1 mm tile" regulation, will be suspended and revert to the old standard of tiles <1.5 mm. This "grace period" will last for a period of approximately three months. The 2013 standard of "<1.5 mm" also included a clause for "generally-available thickness" of tiles. This clarification is meant to encompass the 1.7-1.8 mm Meffert's Megaminx tiles, which are currently allowed during the grace period, as they were in years past. A further update to this Regulation will happen no latter than April 1, 2014. Members of the community are welcome to contribute to this discussion so that the WRC may recommend a standard to the Board for the April decision.

Thank you for your extensive feedback. While some of you might think otherwise, I would like to say that virtually every single post here gets read by at least one WRC member, and we do like to hear what you have to say. Beyond posting in this forum, please remember that your local Delegate is a good resource for you to voice your opinions with. Every single day, your Delegates are actively discussing how best to guide our sport forward - I know because I read all of their emails, and they bring up what you have to say a lot. You can also contact the WRC directly through the WCA website if there's something you'd prefer to discuss directly with us.
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