Änderung von 5b5
Nachdem die alte Regel 5b5 doch mehr für Verwirrung als für Vereinfachung gesorgt hat wurde sie nun ersetzt:

Zitat:5b5) If at the end of the attempt some parts of the puzzle are physically detached or not fully placed, the following regulations apply:

5b5a) If one or more parts without coloured faces is affected, the puzzle is considered solved.
5b5b) If one part with one coloured face is affected, the puzzle is considered solved.
5b5c) If more than one part with one coloured face is affected, the puzzle is considered unsolved (DNF).
5b5d) If one or more parts with more than one coloured face, the puzzle is considered unsolved (DNF).
5b5e) 5b5c and 5b5d supercede 5b5a and 5b5b.

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Änderung von 5b5 - von Sébastien - 11.05.2013, 13:40

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