26.04.2013, 14:57
Zitat:Apr 26 15:50:25 * Don_Ben hat Mirco aus #speedcubers.de gekickt (Mirco)
Apr 26 15:50:28 <Bippo> :>
Apr 26 15:50:48 <Bippo> timebomb Mirco
Apr 26 15:50:49 * Don_Bot stuffs the bomb into Mirco's pants. The display reads [40] seconds.
Apr 26 15:50:50 <Don_Bot> Diffuse the bomb by cutting the correct wire. There are wires. They are Gold, Magenta, Chartreuse, Pink, Brown, Navy, Maroon, Crimson, Mauve, Lime, Teal, Grey and Black.
Apr 26 15:50:57 <Don_Ben> lol wie gemein
Apr 26 15:51:06 <Bippo> mal schauen ob's klappt
Apr 26 15:51:25 * Mirco (~chatzilla@ hat #speedcubers.de betreten
Apr 26 15:51:25 * Q gibt Voice-Status an Mirco
Apr 26 15:51:29 * Don_Bot hat Mirco aus #speedcubers.de gekickt (*BOOM!*)