Neulich im IRC
Zitat:8[14:03] +Tentacius: timebomb pady
8[14:03] @Afrobot: Diffuse the bomb by cutting the correct wire. There are three wires. They are Maroon, Blue and Turquoise.
8[14:03] +Tentacius: ah das geht noch
7[14:03] +pady: alter
8[14:03] +Cheverny:
7[14:03] +pady: cutwire maroon
8[14:03] @Afrobot: pady cut the Maroon wire. This has defused the bomb!
7[14:03] +pady: ha!
8[14:04] +Cheverny: timebomb pady
8[14:04] @Afrobot: Diffuse the bomb by cutting the correct wire. There are seven wires. They are Crimson, Chartreuse, Lime, Indigo, Silver, Grey and Navy.
7[14:04] +pady: cutwire navy
8[14:04] @Afrobot: pady cut the Navy wire. This has defused the bomb!
7[14:04] +pady: ha!
8[14:04] +Cheverny: timebomb pady
8[14:04] @Afrobot: Diffuse the bomb by cutting the correct wire. There are five wires. They are Brown, Green, Violet, Orange and Aquamarine.
8[14:04] @Afrobongo: hui
8[14:04] @Afrobongo: wird nix
7[14:04] +pady: cutwire green
8[14:04] @Afrobot: pady cut the Green wire. This has defused the bomb!
7[14:04] +pady: HA!"
8[14:04] @Afrobongo: alter
8[14:04] +Cheverny: timebomb pady
8[14:04] @Afrobot: Diffuse the bomb by cutting the correct wire. There are seven wires. They are Green, Aquamarine, White, Beige, Olive, Silver and Tan.
8[14:04] @Afrobongo: Bippo: konkurenz
7[14:04] +pady: cutwire silver
r[14:04] Afrobot kickte pady: snip...*BOOM!*