Zitat:08:43 Pixel6 just got my best solve... slapped in a sune and hit the space bar lol
08:44 Hubi 4! * 4! / 2
08:44 Hubi and 4 of them are a PLL skip
08:44 Hubi so it's 4/288
08:44 Hubi = 1/72
08:44 Pixel6 hmm. it's a bigger number then
08:45 Pixel6 maybe i explained it wrong? got to the top layer, did oll with a sune, and it was solved
08:45 Pixel6 so do i have to take into account skipping pll ?
08:45 DavidWoner I've always found standard fingertricks to be a bit faster than slapping
08:46 Pixel6 =P works the same with girls i believe
Zitat:<Faz>that fast guy