Zitat:[11:46] <@Afrobongo> lol
[11:46] <@Afrobongo> Renault and Ford are working on a new small car for women. They are mixing the 'Clio' and the 'Taurus', and calling it the 'Clitaurus'.
[11:46] <@Afrobongo> It comes in pink, with or without fur on the dash, and the average male thief won't be able to find it, even if someone tells him where it is.
[11:47] <@Bippo> :>
[11:47] <+leandro> das ist doch ein witz
Zitat:[12:08] == leandro [PircBot@dhcp-40-85.vpn.uni-hamburg.de] has joined #speedcubers.deeine Zeile hab ich hier ausgelassen, so liest es sich besser
[12:08] == mode/#speedcubers.de [+v leandro] by Q
[12:08] == cctbot [PircBot@dhcp-40-85.vpn.uni-hamburg.de] has joined #speedcubers.de
[12:08] == mode/#speedcubers.de [+v cctbot] by Q
[12:09] <+leandro> so wieder da
[12:09] <@Bippo> groovy, ein editor für binärcode
[12:09] <+Hubi_afk> ^^
[12:09] <@Bippo> den für 1337 find ich aber besser
[12:09] <+leandro> und wieder weg
[12:09] == leandro [PircBot@dhcp-40-85.vpn.uni-hamburg.de] has quit [Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - www.trillian.im ~]
[12:11] == leandro [~leandro@dhcp-40-85.vpn.uni-hamburg.de] has joined #speedcubers.de
[12:11] == mode/#speedcubers.de [+v leandro] by Q

Zitat:<Faz>that fast guy