09.09.2017, 05:01
1. (Without limit)
I've never been so nervous for an at-home solve before. The final solve isn't as good as I would've liked, but insertions were well below-average. If I had more time (well, considering I went over the time limit anyway, if I had more patience) I could have got a 24 by inserting corners first, then edges, according to IF. Looking forward to seeing much much better solutions that I can learn from.
Scramble: R' U' F D L2 D' L2 U F2 D' L2 F D B2 U B2 F2 D F2 L U R B' R' U' F
L2 U' // EO (2)
(R') // 2 squares (3)
(U2 L2 U2 F2) // ps223 (7)
F // 223 (8)
D2 R' // 3E4C (10)
Skeleton: L2 U' /\ F D2 R' F2 U2 L2 + U2 R
+: B U' B L B' L' {} B' U (block comm cancels 1, reduces to 4c)
/\: D' B' U2 B D B' U2 B (cancels 3)
{}: U L U' R2 U L' U' R2 (cancels 3)
Solution: L' U' R2 U L' U' R2 F D2 R' F2 U2 L2 B U' B L B' L' D' B' U2 B D B' U R
27 Moves.
I've never been so nervous for an at-home solve before. The final solve isn't as good as I would've liked, but insertions were well below-average. If I had more time (well, considering I went over the time limit anyway, if I had more patience) I could have got a 24 by inserting corners first, then edges, according to IF. Looking forward to seeing much much better solutions that I can learn from.
Scramble: R' U' F D L2 D' L2 U F2 D' L2 F D B2 U B2 F2 D F2 L U R B' R' U' F
L2 U' // EO (2)
(R') // 2 squares (3)
(U2 L2 U2 F2) // ps223 (7)
F // 223 (8)
D2 R' // 3E4C (10)
Skeleton: L2 U' /\ F D2 R' F2 U2 L2 + U2 R
+: B U' B L B' L' {} B' U (block comm cancels 1, reduces to 4c)
/\: D' B' U2 B D B' U2 B (cancels 3)
{}: U L U' R2 U L' U' R2 (cancels 3)
Solution: L' U' R2 U L' U' R2 F D2 R' F2 U2 L2 B U' B L B' L' D' B' U2 B D B' U R
27 Moves.