28.08.2014, 05:18
(26.08.2014, 08:37)Sébastien schrieb: Welcome.
(26.08.2014, 10:16)Linus F schrieb: Welcome! It's okay to write in English, you don't have to translate it. The most of the Solutions should be easy to understand for you even if the are in German, because it's kind of a German-English Hodgepode
Thank you, I'd like to learn more from great solutions here.
2. mit Limit : DNF
2. ohne Limit
2x2x2(nor) : L F L F
2x2x3(nor) : R' B U2
F2L#3(inv) : B D' U2 R U2 B2 U
L5C(inv) : R' B' R B R2 U R' U' R
skeleton : L F L F R' B U2 R' U R * U' R2 B' R' B ** R U' B2 U2 R' U2 D B' (23 moves)
* = R D' L D R' D' L' D
** = U' L' U R U' L U R'
solution : L F L F R' B U2 R' U R2 D' L D R' D' L' D U' R2 B' R' B U' L' U R U' L B2 U2 R' U2 D B'
34 moves
Nothing went well except the beginning...