Square-1 (37 Solves)
Mean: 28.136
Average: 27.607
Best time: 18.479
Median: 26.952
Worst time: 56.318
Standard deviation: 7.390
Best average of 5: 23.163
13-17 - (18.479) 24.449 (28.799) 21.671 23.369
Best average of 12: 25.482
26-37 - 27.208 26.952 24.090 (19.432) 21.280 30.288 25.680 25.215 (52.232) 21.775 26.816 25.521
Keine direkten PBs, aber der of 100 is jetzt ziemlich nah an sub 29^^
Mean: 28.136
Average: 27.607
Best time: 18.479
Median: 26.952
Worst time: 56.318
Standard deviation: 7.390
Best average of 5: 23.163
13-17 - (18.479) 24.449 (28.799) 21.671 23.369
Best average of 12: 25.482
26-37 - 27.208 26.952 24.090 (19.432) 21.280 30.288 25.680 25.215 (52.232) 21.775 26.816 25.521
Keine direkten PBs, aber der of 100 is jetzt ziemlich nah an sub 29^^