number of times: 70/70
best time: 2.79
worst time: 9.98
current avg5: 5.70 (σ = 0.51)
best avg5: 4.54 (σ = 0.29)
current avg12: 6.44 (σ = 0.97)
best avg12: 5.46 (σ = 1.19)
current avg50: 6.33 (σ = 1.21)
best avg50: 6.22 (σ = 1.24)
session avg: 6.13 (σ = 1.16)
session mean: 6.18
Das regt mich so auf, hab massige Lock-Ups und das kostet mich locker ne Sekunde im Schnitt...
best single: 1.47
best avg5: 4.54
best avg12: 5.46
best avg50: 6.22
number of times: 70/70
best time: 2.79
worst time: 9.98
current avg5: 5.70 (σ = 0.51)
best avg5: 4.54 (σ = 0.29)
current avg12: 6.44 (σ = 0.97)
best avg12: 5.46 (σ = 1.19)
current avg50: 6.33 (σ = 1.21)
best avg50: 6.22 (σ = 1.24)
session avg: 6.13 (σ = 1.16)
session mean: 6.18
Das regt mich so auf, hab massige Lock-Ups und das kostet mich locker ne Sekunde im Schnitt...
best single: 1.47
best avg5: 4.54
best avg12: 5.46
best avg50: 6.22