Beschreibung: It's my own created L-Perm, basically from N-Perm (R' U R U' R' F' U' F R U R' F R' F' R U' R), and the setup moves (F, F').
Algorithm: R' U2 R U' R' F' U' F R U R' F Lw' U' Lw U'2 R
It's can performed sub 1.
Beschreibung: I tried to do a 3/5 Average. First pop with my Dayan Guhong ever .
Fail at F-Perm
Scramble: D2 U L U2 R2 D2 U'L' R U' R' D L D B' F' L' D' B' F' D U F' R D'
Cube is Dayan Guhong