  • 5 Bewertung(en) - 4.2 im Durchschnitt
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Fewest Moves Challenge
Mit limit :

2. R' U' F R2 U2 L2 U2 F2 U' L2 F2 R' B F D2 U' L2 F L' D2 F2 R B U' R' U' F

( L' R2 U2 R' D2 ) // 222 (5)
( F R F2 R2 ) // 223 (4)
L' U L U2 F2 // F2L-1 (5)
F R U' R' F' U F R U' R' F' // 3C (10)

S // L' U + L U2 F' R U' R' F' U F R U' R' F' R2 F2 R' F' D2 R U2 R2 L (24)

+ U R2 U' L U R2 U' L' (+4)

Solution L' U2 R2 U' L U R2 U F' R U' R' F' U F R U' R' F' R2 F2 R' F' D2 R U2 R2 L // 28
(26.12.2018, 12:26)asacuber schrieb: One more thing, tell me if the solutions don't work, translation always messes up things
Hi asacuber - welcome, nice to have you here!

I normally don't check the solutions (especially not if the one has done a 21 before Wink - congrats!), everyone can do that by himself with or others. And what do you mean by translation? It's ok to post in english like you have done it.

By the way: your first solution with the B2' doesn't fit to 12a) of the regulations (only B2 allowed).
And the prime-'-things are often seperated from the letter - what is the reason for that? The same reason, why there is sometimes no space between the letters? It is really hard to read Undecided

Perhaps you should check your way to the first solution: the line EO starts with R, the skeleton and solution are with R' ...

And it would be nice always to have the information whether it is in-limit or off-limit.

OK, now you have about 21 hours left for the third scramble this week Big Grin
Methode C-3PO: So lange auf den Würfel einreden, bis er sich entnervt freiwillig selbst zurückdreht.
3. in-limit=33
R' F R F' L' // EO
(B R2 B' D F' D') // 222
(F2 R2 U' F' U2 D R2 D' R2 U) // L5C in 21
ssf: R' F R F' L' U' R2 D R2 D' U2 F # U R2 F2 D F D' B R2 * B'
* L' F L B' L' F' L B // 8-2/27
# R2 U L U' R2 U L' U' // 8-2/33
solution: R' F R F' L' U' R2 D R2 D' U2 F R2 U L U' R2 U L' R2 F2 D F D' B R2 L' F L B' L' F' L

3. off-limit=29
(L' D' F2 R') // EO
(L2 B F' R2 U) // 222
(D F D' L2) // 223
F2 D F D' // F2L-1
D' F2 D F' D' F D F // L3C in 24
ssf: F2 D F D2 F2 D F' D' F D F * L2 D F' D' U' R2 F B' L2 R F2 D L
* F' R' F L F' R F L' // 8-3/29
solution: F2 D F D2 F2 D F' D' F D R' F L F' R F L D F' D' U' R2 F B' L2 R F2 D L

Methode C-3PO: So lange auf den Würfel einreden, bis er sich entnervt freiwillig selbst zurückdreht.
Mit limit :

3) R' U' F R2 B2 L2 B U2 B2 L2 U2 F R B2 F R2 B2 L D B F2 L U R' U' F

( F' D' F' ) // 122 (3)
D L' U R2 F // 222 + EO (5)
U' L' U2 L // 223 (4)
( R' U R U2 ) // F2L-1 (4)
R' U' R U2 F R F2 U F U' F R' F' U' // Last Pair cancelled with ZBLL (13)

D L' U R2 F U' L' U2 L R' U' R U2 F R F2 U F U' F R' F' U R' U' R F D F // 29

25+28+29 = 27.33 Mo3

Jacck : Gibt besser micheln für die nächste Woche bitte !

Give better scrambles for the next week, please ! Wink
(27.12.2018, 19:51)Jacck schrieb:
(26.12.2018, 12:26)asacuber schrieb: One more thing, tell me if the solutions don't work, translation always messes up things
Hi asacuber - welcome, nice to have you here!

I usually do not check the solutions (especially if I have a 21 before Wink- congrats!), Everyone can do that by myself with or others. And what do you mean by translation? It's ok to post in english like you have done it.

By the way: your first solution with the B2 'does not fit to 12a) of the regulations (only B2 allowed).
And the prime -'-things are often seperated from the letter - what is the reason for that? The same reason, why there is sometimes no space between the letters? It is really hard to read  Undecided

Perhaps You Should check your way to the first solution: the line EO starts with R, the skeleton and solution are with R '...

And it would be nice always to have the information it is in-limit or off-limit.

OK, now you have about 21 hours left for the third scramble this week Big Grin

Thanks! : D
[quote pid='208672' dateline='1545936696']
about the primes being separated from the letter, i sometimes have autotranslate on; thats what caused the B2' and others i think
whenever i have autotranslate on even the scrambles look like that.
(just to clarify, whenever i have autotranslate on, it thinks english is german as well and messes things up)

3) in limit
D2 U L' U2 B2 L2 D' F2 D F' B' L' B L' D' L2 D2 L D2 L D L D' L' D' L' D' L2 D2

D2 U L' U2 B2//222
L2 D' F2 D F'//223
B' L' B//EO
L' D' L2 D2//PSF2L-1
(D2 L2 D L D L D L' D' L' D2 L')//LS+U perm

almost choked on this one Tongue
Since I cancelled into u perm, i could've made it AB3E instead. Optimal is 27 but i had 6 mins left
I always have room for improvement lolol
1. ohne Limit:
Ich hab lange keine vernünftige Lösung gefunden, auch nach Ablauf der Zeit hatte ich nur ein 26-Move-Skeleton, dann hatte ich aber Glück mit den Insertions Smile

L' R' B R U // EO (5/5)
L B D2 B' R2 B // 2x2x2 (6/11)
F' U2 F U2 F2 (F) // 2x2x3 (6/17)
U2 // F2L-1-1C (1/18)
L' F' L F U' L' U L' // 3C3E (8/26)
Skeleton: L' R' B R U L B D2 * B' R2 B F' U2 F # U2 F2 U2 L' F' L F U' L' U L' F'
* D' L' D L (4-1/29)
# F' U2 F D2 F' U2 F D2 (8-6/31)
Solution: L' R' B R U L B D L' D L B' R2 B D2 F' U2 F D2 U2 F2 U2 L' F' L F U' L' U L' F'
31 Moves
2. ohne Limit:
B' R U D F' D L2 D2 // 2x2x2 (8/8)
U R2 U2 F' // 2x2x3 (4/12)
U' B U B' // EO (4/16)
R' U2 R F R F' // F2L-1 (6/22)
B' R B // L4C (3/25)
Skeleton: B' R U D F' D L2 D2 U R2 U2 F' U' B # U B' R' U2 R * F R F' B' R B
* R' U2 R D R' U2 R D' (8-6/27) schon wieder eine 6-Moves-Cancellation ?
# L' D2 L U L' D2 L U' (8-2/33)
Solution: B' R U D F' D L2 D2 U R2 U2 F' U' B L' D2 L U L' D2 L B' D R' U2 R D' F R F' B' R B
33 Moves
3. mit und ohne Limit:

2x2x3-1E: D' R D2 F L' D # F
L4C: B D2 U' B2 U D2 B2 * D2 B D2 R

* = B2 D' F' D B2 D' F D
# = D' F2 D B' D' F2 D B

Solution: D' R D2 F L' F2 D B' D' F2 D B2 F D2 U' B2 U D F' D B2 D' F D' B D2 R

27 moves.
3. mit Limit:
(F' D') D L' // 2x2x2 (4/4)
F' R U F' R U' (U2) // 2x2x3 (7/11)
(U' R U) // EO (3-1/13)
U F U' R2 F2 R2 U' R2 U // F2L-1 (9-2/20)
D' F D // L5C (3/23)
Skeleton: D * L' F' R U F' R F U' R2 F2 R2 U' R2 U D' F D U' R' U' D F
* D' B' # D F D' B D F' (8-2/29)
# B U2 B' D' B U2 B' D (8-3/34)
Solution: U2 B' D' B U2 B' D2 F D' B D F' L' F' R U F' R F U' R2 F2 R2 U' R2 U D' F D U' R' U' D F
34 Moves

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