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Pady's Rekorde (neueste PB: 5x5 averages)

avg of 5: 37.05

Time List:
1. 37.54 Rw' B2 F' Uw' R Uw2 Rw' U Uw D2 F2 L2 F' Uw' Fw' R L Rw Fw2 D' F Uw' F D2 U2 Fw2 F2 D2 Uw B' Fw' F' L' Fw2 B2 R' Uw' B Uw' F2
2. 35.71 Uw' F2 B Fw2 Rw2 L' D' F' L D F2 Fw' D U2 L2 F Fw' L Uw F L' Rw2 B2 Fw F' Rw2 R2 F2 D' Fw B' R2 U' Fw Rw2 F D2 Fw Uw' R2
3. (35.37) Uw2 U B' U D2 F L2 R Rw2 F' Fw L U D2 B R Rw' D Uw' L' R D2 R Uw2 U L Uw2 R D2 Fw' U R' D' Rw Fw2 F U' L D Uw
4. (42.72) D2 U' Fw F D2 R' D' U' Fw R2 D' U R B D2 Uw2 Fw' U B' R U' Rw L2 U Fw2 U' B2 Rw' Fw' D' B D2 B' L U' Uw2 L U' D L
5. 37.89 R B L' R2 Fw U F' B2 D2 Fw2 D' Uw2 B2 D2 Rw Fw F2 B' R' F2 Uw2 R' F2 U' L Fw F B' L' Fw2 U2 Uw' D R B' D2 L D2 Uw' U
lg, Pady Smile

[Bild: img.php?id=2011hetc01&ranking=NR&event_1...nsparent=1]

Ich muss dringend wieder ein bisschen 4x4 üben, du wirst zu schnell! Big Grin
Du hast mittlerweile schon (fast) alle meine PBs unterboten, Avg of 5 jetzt deutlich. Glückwunsch Smile
Na dann, leg mal los. Smile

Sent from my MI 5s Plus using Tapatalk
lg, Pady Smile

[Bild: img.php?id=2011hetc01&ranking=NR&event_1...nsparent=1]

Nimm das, Garret!

avg of 12: 39.71 (Click to View)
lg, Pady Smile

[Bild: img.php?id=2011hetc01&ranking=NR&event_1...nsparent=1]


avg of 12: 8.47 (Click to View)
avg of 50: 8.88
avg of 100: 9.28
lg, Pady Smile

[Bild: img.php?id=2011hetc01&ranking=NR&event_1...nsparent=1]


single: 1:21.76 (Click to View)
avg of 5: 1:29.42 (Click to View)
avg of 12: 1:33.76 (Click to View)
lg, Pady Smile

[Bild: img.php?id=2011hetc01&ranking=NR&event_1...nsparent=1]


avg of 5: 7.18 (Click to View)
avg of 12: 8.08 (Click to View)
lg, Pady Smile

[Bild: img.php?id=2011hetc01&ranking=NR&event_1...nsparent=1]

holy fucking shit
[3x3 one-handed]

6.49   D' L' U2 B2 F2 L F2 L' R B2 F R B2 F' L2 D2 L' U

y'  F' U R2 F D' // xcross
R U' R' y' z R U' R U // F2L #2
z' U' R' U' R U2 R' U R // F2L #3
R U2 R' U R U' R' U R U R' // F2L #4 + LL-Skip

35 turns (etm) / 6.49 s = 5.39 etps

Reconstruction auf

Edit: hier wahrscheinlich noch meine Full-step PB

8.52   F' U2 B2 D2 B' D2 F' R2 D2 L2 D2 U' F2 D' L' F' U' F' U' L

r2 U' R' y' R' // cross + pair-setup
y'  U R U' R' // F2L #1
y2 U R U' R'  // F2L #2
U' R' U R U' y R U R' // F2L #3
y2 R U' R' y' U2 R' U' R // F2L #4
U' r U R' U R U2 r' // OLL
R2 U' R' U' R U R U R U' R U' // PLL + AUF

(47htm, 54etm)

54 turns (etm) / 8.52 s = 6.34 etps

Reconstruction auf
lg, Pady Smile

[Bild: img.php?id=2011hetc01&ranking=NR&event_1...nsparent=1]

Oh, nett. Gerade gesehen, dass daraus auch die avg5 PB wurde.

avg of 5: 11.03 (Click to View)
lg, Pady Smile

[Bild: img.php?id=2011hetc01&ranking=NR&event_1...nsparent=1]


single:  1:14.73   Dw2 Fw Lw2 Fw B2 F Rw2 Lw' R2 Dw' Fw Bw' Uw' L2 B Lw' Uw2 D' U Dw2 Fw2 L Uw F Bw Uw' L Fw' Dw2 Rw' U' Lw U2 D' Fw2 R' F Rw2 Fw2 D2 U' Uw2 Lw U2 D Fw2 D2 U Bw' R Fw L' Uw2 Rw D' Lw F' Bw' Uw2 Rw2

avg of 5: 1:25.52 (Click to View)
avg of 12: 1:28.36 (Click to View)
avg of 50: 1:31.98
avg of 100: 1:33.39
lg, Pady Smile

[Bild: img.php?id=2011hetc01&ranking=NR&event_1...nsparent=1]


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