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ChrisD's Videothread (neuestes Video: Megaminx 47.57 avg5)
Richtig guter Solve, ausser halt die genannten Lock Ups, und sehr nette TPS!
Aber mir gefällt die Musikwahl, ist wohl doch einer mit Musikgeschmack hier :p

Zitat:New German Megaminx NR single set at the German Nationals 2012.
The average was 1:02,07 which is also NR and made me again to the German Megaminx Champion of 2012! Big Grin
Megaminx is a Mefferts with mf8 tiles Smile

Big thanks to Ramón for filming me!!

His youtube-channel:

...sry, that it took so long uploading the video :/
But I lost a lot of time while cutting out the Megaminx frames for the Intro and the rendering was also not that fast -,-
Used programs: Photoshop CS6 (Extended) and Windows Movie Maker^^

I hope you enjoy watching the Intro and Solve! Smile
Alter...was war denn das für eine 4-sekündige Pause nach dem OLL?
(17.12.2012, 02:02)Sébastien schrieb: Alter...was war denn das für eine 4-sekündige Pause nach dem OLL?

Ja, Last Layer bin ich nicht so gut ^^
Lag aber auch größtenteils an der Nervösität Wink
Hab ne neue avg5 PB im Megaminx gemacht^^

Zitat:Megaminx is a modified Mefferts with mf8 tiles Tongue
Times: (45.89), 50.95, 49.66, (51.50), 49.17 = 49.93 avg5

Before the last two solves I made a timelapse on scrambling and deleted a two minutes scene of me breathing and making a break before I started the solve(s) Big Grin

Thx for watching!!! Smile
Neues Video Big Grin

Zitat:Megaminx is a modified Mefferts with mf8 tiles Tongue

Average: 47.57
Standard Deviation: 1.17
Best Time: 43.95
Worst Time: 50.66
Individual Times:
1. 45.96 R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- U' R-- D-- R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D-- U' R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- U' R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ U R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- R++ D-- U' R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- U' R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D++ R-- D++ U

2. 49.58 R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- U' R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D++ U R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D-- U' R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- U' R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ U R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ U R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- U'

3. (50.66) R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ U R-- D-- R++ D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ U R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- U' R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- R++ D-- R++ D-- U' R++ D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- U' R-- D-- R++ D-- R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- U' R-- D-- R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D++ U

4. (43.95) R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ U R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- U' R++ D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- U' R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- U' R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ U R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- U' R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- U'

5. 47.16 R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- R++ D++ U R++ D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ U R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ U R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ U R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- U' R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ U R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ U

Thx for watching!! Big Grin

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