  • 0 Bewertung(en) - 0 im Durchschnitt
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* You can use your Google or Yahoo accounts to login. Thus all login info is controlled by a third party (not us) and you won't have to worry about security
* Saves not only your times, but your scrambles as well (we will keep this feature for as long as we can, though it may eventually overwhelm our server)
* The graph uses javascript, not annoying flash
* You can specify if your solve was performed Blindfolded, One Handed, etc.
* Coming Soon - You can change the interface of qqTimer to a new design


* This version only will only save your times for the WCA puzzles, though you can use the timer just like qqTimer for all the other puzzles
* This is currently in beta form and thus some features may not work properly. We cannot yet guarantee zero data loss.

Future Development

* We plan on adding a weekly contest feature in the near future and would like suggestions from the community to find out how to best implement such a thing
* We plan on adding Facebook and Twitter integration
* We plan to add the ability to specify if you solved the cube with Petrus, Roux, color neutral, etc.
* We would like any and all feedback and suggestions that you think of. We would like to create one uber-timer with support from all programmers in the speedcubing community. We aren't trying to compete, just cooperate.

Also ich habs mal ausprobiert und es ist nahezu perfekt ;-)
.........PB.....| PB nl | Avg5 | of 12 | of 100 |
OH 12.69 | 14.93 | 17.33 | 18.38 | 20.28
3x3 7.xx | 7.03 | 9.81 | 10.43| 11.40
4x4 37.90 | ......| 48.63 | 50.80
Pyra 2.02 | 2.39 | 3.91 | 4.63 | 5.66
R' U' R' U F R' F' R U F' U' F R2.

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
gqTimer - von david_sc - 05.06.2010, 21:53

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