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    Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge

Die Auswertung: Sébastien 25,25,25=25,0 campos20 27,26,28=27,0 Fok96 36,36,33=35,0 Jacck 25,34,DNF=DNF Und bis Freitag, 09.11.2018, 17:00 Uhr: 1. R' U' F R2 F R2 F R2 U2 B R' U2 L' B' R U2 L2 D' F...
Jacck Forencompetitions / Battle-Area 6.384 3.365.063 02.11.2018, 17:35
    Thema: Ein blindes Huhn macht auch mal ne perm
Beitrag: RE: Ein blindes Huhn macht auch mal ne perm

mainstream: 4bld 8:13,15 pb um 22,32s :cool: 1. scramble der weekly competition 2017-30: Fw F D Rw2 U L2 R D' Uw U2 Rw B' Fw Rw' B2 D2 Fw2 U' R F2 L R2 U' Rw2 Uw2 R D Fw2 L2 R Fw2 Rw Fw2 D' B' Fw D'...
Jacck Vorstellungen & Rekorde 505 298.857 25.07.2017, 22:31
    Thema: Umfrage: Stilllegung
Beitrag: RE: Umfrage: Stilllegung

Super - Vielen Dank!
Jacck Ankündigungen 33 30.663 01.11.2018, 15:38
    Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge

Die Auswertung: Calesch 27, 30, 30 = 29,00 Und bis 28.07.17 Uhr: 1. R' U' F U2 F' D2 U2 B R2 D2 B2 U' F' D2 L' F' D' R' F2 L' U' B2 R' U' F 2. R' U' F D' L2 U2 R2 D' B2 D' R2 F2 R2 F D' F' D R U2 R...
Jacck Forencompetitions / Battle-Area 6.384 3.365.063 21.07.2017, 16:16
    Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge

3. DNF found nothing better than an L4C in 23 but crashed the insertions in the last minutes.
Jacck Forencompetitions / Battle-Area 6.384 3.365.063 31.10.2018, 17:46
    Thema: World Rubik's Cube Championship 2017 in Paris
Beitrag: RE: World Rubik's Cube Championship 2017 in Paris

@Lykos: Ich finde, gute solutions kann man ruhig auch bei der challenge bringen Und natürlich: Glückwunsch! @Fritz: Sind die scrambles auf WCAD...
Jacck WCA Competitions 8 4.259 27.07.2017, 18:15
    Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge

Die Auswertung für diese Woche: 1. Marcel Peters 2. Sebastiano Tronto 3. Mats Valk Und bis Freitag, 21.0717 Uhr: 1. R' U' F D2 B2 R2 B2 L' F2 U2 B2 D2 R' U B' F R' F' L2 B' R2 D B2 R' U' F 2. R' ...
Jacck Forencompetitions / Battle-Area 6.384 3.365.063 14.07.2017, 17:38
    Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge

Danke :rolleyes:   2. in-limit=34 (found in last 20 min) B' D' // EO U R2 D' U' F' // 222 L' B D2 // 223 (breaking EO) L' U B U' L B2 L2 // F2L-1 B' U B2 U' B' L' B2 L B2 // L4C in 26 ssf: B’ D' U...
Jacck Forencompetitions / Battle-Area 6.384 3.365.063 28.10.2018, 12:22
    Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge

Die Auswertung: Sébastien 26,26,27=26,3 hssandwich 30,29,24=27,7 Calesch 32,29,31=30,7 Jacck 31,DNS,DNS=DNF Und die letzte Runde vor Paris, also bis 14.07.17 Uhr: 1. R' U' F L2 B' U2 F2 L2 F2 L...
Jacck Forencompetitions / Battle-Area 6.384 3.365.063 07.07.2017, 16:08
    Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge

1. in-limit=25 :cool: and :blush: (U R' B) // EO (U2 R2 D F2 D') // 222 // then I went for the yellow-green-orange and after R2 U' // the white-orange-blue offers itsself with an F2 // and fits in ...
Jacck Forencompetitions / Battle-Area 6.384 3.365.063 27.10.2018, 22:29
    Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge

1. in-limit=31 D F' L' D2 F' // 5/5 222 (B' R) // 2/7 pseudo-223 R2 // 1/8 223 R' U' R2 B R' // 5-1/12 EO B U2 B U2 B2 // 5/17 F2L-1 B U' B' U2 // 4-1/20 L4C ssf: D # F' L' D2 F' R U' R2 B R' B U2 ...
Jacck Forencompetitions / Battle-Area 6.384 3.365.063 07.07.2017, 16:02
    Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge

Die Auswertung: congrats to Fok96: just the second week and #1! Fok96 30,32,35=32,3 speedou 27,DNS,DNS=DNF Jacck DNF,38,34=DNF Und bis Freitag, 02.11.2018, 17:00 Uhr: 1. R' U' F D2 L2 R U2 B2 L ...
Jacck Forencompetitions / Battle-Area 6.384 3.365.063 26.10.2018, 16:39
    Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge

Die Auswertung: Marcel P 23,26,27=25,3 hssandwich 29,27,25=27,0 Sébastien 27,27,28=27,3 Calesch 28,27,32=29,0 chriscuber123 30,28,32=30,0 ParhamSaeednia 31,32,DNS=DNF Und bis Freitag, 7.7.17 Uhr...
Jacck Forencompetitions / Battle-Area 6.384 3.365.063 30.06.2017, 21:20
    Thema: Ein blindes Huhn macht auch mal ne perm
Beitrag: RE: Ein blindes Huhn macht auch mal ne perm

Letzten Freitag dem aktuellen UWR ziemlich nahe gekommen: Kilominx blind in 4:20.78, pb um 12.24s video (Click to View) Und heute Abend: Kilominx blind in 3:35.55 :cool...
Jacck Vorstellungen & Rekorde 505 298.857 23.06.2017, 21:35
    Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge

3. in-limit=DNF (a last minute 37 where I found in the last seconds one mistake in the notation of the 2nd insertion, but not the second mistake, too) Die Auswertung: speedou 27,24,26=25,7 porkyna...
Jacck Forencompetitions / Battle-Area 6.384 3.365.063 19.10.2018, 16:17
    Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge

Die Auswertung: Sébastien 27,28,22=25,7 hssandwich 28,26,30=28,0 chriscuber123 29,26,30=28,3 Calesch 29,29,27=28,3 ParhamSaeednia 28,27,31=28,7 Jacck 32,32,37=33,7 andersonaap 26,32,DNF=DNF Und bi...
Jacck Forencompetitions / Battle-Area 6.384 3.365.063 23.06.2017, 17:06
    Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge

3. in-limit=37 B R2 B2 R' D B' D' // 222 R F' R' // EO F2 U' F R2 // 223 U2 F2 U2 F U2 // F2L-1 F' U' F2 U F // L4C in 24 F L F' R' * F L' F' R // 8-1 L3C * R' B' R F2 R' B R F2 // 8-2 solution: B R2 ...
Jacck Forencompetitions / Battle-Area 6.384 3.365.063 20.06.2017, 21:19
    Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge

1. in-limit=26 :cool: B2 // pseudo-222 (R' F2 U' R) // 222 F2 L2 R' F R // 223 F2 D F D' F L // F2L-1 F2 L' F' L // L3C in 20 ssf: B2 F2 L2 R' F R F2 D * F D' F L F2 L' F' L R' U F2 R * L' F R F' L F ...
Jacck Forencompetitions / Battle-Area 6.384 3.365.063 13.10.2018, 17:27
    Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge

1. in-limit=DNF (37 in 1:00:20 and not worth for writing down) 2. in-limit=38 (U2 R F2 R' D B' D’) // 222 B D' B2 D L B2 L' // 223 (L’ B' L) // EO (B U B' U' B U2 B' U) // „good“ L6C in 25 s...
Jacck Forencompetitions / Battle-Area 6.384 3.365.063 24.10.2018, 21:28
    Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge

2. in-limit= 27 (found another 27 after 16 min, but this one - found in last 15 min - is cooler) B' L' B' // EO D F2 L2 R' D // 222 (R' F2) // 223 R' U' R' U2 R U' R2 U2 // 2C2E in 18 (and a possible...
Jacck Forencompetitions / Battle-Area 6.384 3.365.063 13.10.2018, 22:10