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Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
Die Auswertung:
Welcome here, priazz!
But you forgot to write down the solutions and only they are counting. And there seems to be something wrong with the +insertion in the 2nd scramble (first F sho... |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
15.03.2019, 18:02 |
Thema: Ein blindes Huhn macht auch mal ne perm
Beitrag: RE: Ein blindes Huhn macht auch mal ne perm
Kommt ja nicht so häufig vor, aber gestern Abend ist es mal wieder passiert:
Pyraminx Crystal blind in 43:33,61
Video (Click to View)
und während das Video gerade konve... |
Jacck |
Vorstellungen & Rekorde
505 |
298.857 |
12.03.2019, 21:12 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
Die Auswertung:
Sébastien 23,26,28=25,7
priazz 25,26,27=26,0
Jacck 21,34(31),25=26,7(25,7)
campos20 28,27,31=28,7
Und bis Freitag, 26.06.2020, 17 Uhr, generated with |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
19.06.2020, 17:14 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
2. in-limit=38
F U' F L2 R' U2 R' // 222
U B2 U2 B2 U'L B' // 223
U2 L' F U2 F' U // F2L-1
L2 U L2 U' L2 // L4C in 25
ssf: F U' F L2 R' U2 R' U B2 U2 * B2 U' L B' U2 L' F U2 F' U L2 U L2 # U' L2
* D F... |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
10.03.2019, 19:04 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
3. in-limit=25
U D F // EO
U2 # L B2 D' R F2 // 222
U2 D' R2 * D // 223
R U2 R' U2 R U // L5C in 19 (found after 10 min, then looked for something "better" for 30 min)
* R U2 R' D R U2 R' D' // 8-9/18... |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
14.06.2020, 18:05 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
1. in-limit=34
(L2 D2 F' L) // EO
(D2 B' R2 B U' F2) // 222
B' D2 U' B U // 223
B // F2L-1-1C
B D' B' D2 B D B' // L5C in 22
ssf: B' D2 U' B U B2 * D' B' D2 B D B' F2 U B' R2 B D2 L' F # D2 L2
* B U ... |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
09.03.2019, 18:34 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
2. in-limit=34, off-limit=31
(U' F U2 R L2 B2) // 222
R' F2 R' D' // EO
R' F D2 // 223
(R' F R' F' R F) // F2L-1
(F R2 F' R) // L5C in 22
ssf: R' * F2 R' D' R' F D2 R' F R2 F2 R' F R F' R B2... |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
13.06.2020, 18:12 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
Die Auswertung:
Sébastien 25,23,28=25,3
MalteI 29,27,27=27,7
Fok96 32,27,27=28,7
Fedeborg 34,26,33=31,0
Jacck 33,32,33=32,7
Rubika37-021204 DNS,(30),DNS=DNF
Und bis Freitag, 15.03.2019, 17:00 Uhr:
... |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
08.03.2019, 18:15 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
Nein, so muss das sein:
Read a bit about DR and ...
21???? (Click to View)
... found it to hard for me and went for a normal solve instead:
1. in-limit=21
F2 U2 R' U // EO
R D2 // 222
(L2 F' L F U2) /... |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
12.06.2020, 22:12 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
3. in-limit=33
D2 L' F' D2 U L2 // 222
R' F2 D // EO
(F R F R' F D2) // 223
(R' F2 R2 F2 R2) // F2L-1
(R F2 R' F R F R' F2) // L3C in 27
ssf: D2 L' F' * D2 U L2 R' F2 D F2 R F' R' F' R F2 R F2 R2 F2 R... |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
05.03.2019, 22:25 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
Na, da hat ja jeder am Schluss nochmals richtig seinen Spaß gehabt :D
Die Auswertung:
Sébastien 21,29,23=24,3
Jacck 32,32,30=31,3
Markus Pirzer 37(35),33,34(31)=34,7(33,0)
Und bis Freitag, 19.06.... |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
12.06.2020, 15:52 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
3. in-limit=30
Immerhin noch coole insertions zum Abschluss. :)
D F' U' // 222
D B2 L2 D // EO
L' B' D2 // 223-1C
L2 B L' B2 L B2 // F2L-1-1C+pair
L2 B' L B L' B' L2 B // L4C in 24
ssf: D F' U' D B... |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
07.06.2020, 17:08 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
2. in-limit=32
(L' B) // EO
(L2 D L2 D2) // 222
(U F2) // P223
F2 // 223
(L' U' L2 U L2 U2 L2 U2) // F2L-1
(L2 U' L2 U L) // L5C in 22
ssf: F2 L' U' L2 U L2 U2 L2 U2 L2 U' L2 U L * F2 U' D2 L2 # D' L2... |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
03.03.2019, 18:42 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
1. in-limit=33
(F2 R' U') // EO
(B' R F R) // 222
(L2 D2 F' L' D2) // 223
(L' F2 L2 F L' F2) // F2L-1
(L' D' L' D L2 D' L' D L) // L3C in 27
ssf: L' D' L D L2 D' L D L * F2 L F' L2 F2 L D2 L F D2 L2 R... |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
02.03.2019, 20:47 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
@Sébastien: expected something good from you on the first scramble ;)
2. in-limit=32
(U' B' D L F' L2 D' R D2) // 223
U R' U' // EO 2/4 edges to a 122-block
R D' R' D // EO rest
B // F2L-1
R' B' R... |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
06.06.2020, 18:02 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
Die Auswertung:
Porkynator 25,28,26=26,3
Fok96 24,27,30=27,0
asacuber [29],DNS,DNS=DNF (I agree with Linus F that you should explain your solutions)
Jacck 34,DNF(43),30=DNF(35,7)
Und bis Freitag, 08... |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
01.03.2019, 17:45 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
1. in-limit=32
U F' U // EO
(L' B2 L R2 B) // 222
(L F2 L2 R U2 R') // 223+122
F' L F' L' F2 L // F2L-1
L F L' F // L4C Iin 23
ssf: U F' U F' L F' L' F2 L2 F L' F R U2 R' L2 F2 L' B' R2 L' * B2 L
* L ... |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
05.06.2020, 21:39 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
2. DNF (43 in 61 min)
3. in-limit=30
R D B2 // 222
D2 L F // EO
U' D2 F2 U // F2L-2C
L2 U L U' L2 U L U' L // L5C in 19
ssf: R # D B2 D2 L F U' D2 F2 U L2 U L U' L2 U L * U' L
* L D L' U' L D' L' U /... |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
26.02.2019, 22:50 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
Die Auswertung:
Sébastien 22,29,25=25,3
Jacck 33,34,32=33,0
Markus Pirzer 28,36,36(34)=33,3(32,7)
Und bis Freitag, 12.06.2020, 17 Uhr, generated with
1. R' U'... |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
05.06.2020, 16:00 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
1. in-limit=34
(D' F2 R' L' U) // 222
(D' B2 D R B R2) // 223
D B D B' D B2 D' B2 // F2L-1
D' B D B' D' L' D2 L D' // L3C in 28
ssf: D * B D B' D B2 D' B2 D' B D B' D' L' D2 L D' R2 B' R' D' B2 D U' ... |
Jacck |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.063 |
23.02.2019, 23:13 |