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Thema: 1 AVG competition 2013 on April 1, 2013 in Delft, Netherlands
Beitrag: 1 AVG competition 2013 on April 1, 2013 in Delft, ...
The 1 AVG competition 2013 will take place on April 1, 2013 in Delft, Netherlands. Check out the 1 AVG competition 2013 website for more information and registration.
Posted on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 12:0... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
5 |
3.029 |
20.03.2013, 13:17 |
Thema: Aachen Open 2011 on January 14-16, 2011 in Aachen, Germany
Beitrag: Aachen Open 2011 on January 14-16, 2011 in Aachen,...
Aachen Open 2011 on January 14-16, 2011 in Aachen, Germany
The Aachen Open 2011 will take place on January 14-16, 2011 in Aachen, Germany. Check out the Aachen Open 2011 website for more informatio... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
372 |
295.858 |
18.10.2010, 18:20 |
Thema: Abdelhak Kaddour wins Cannes Open 2014
Beitrag: Abdelhak Kaddour wins Cannes Open 2014
Abdelhak Kaddour won the Cannes Open 2014 with an average of 10.89 seconds. Mayron Blain finished second (12.88) and Hippolyte Moreau finished third (12.96).
Posted on Sun, 02 Mar 2014 22:00:03 +000... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
5 |
2.675 |
02.03.2014, 23:15 |
Thema: Alania Open 2010 on June 26-27, 2010 in Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Beitrag: Alania Open 2010 on June 26-27, 2010 in Aachen, No...
The Alania Open 2010 will take place on June 26-27, 2010 in Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. Check out the Alania Open 2010 website for more information and registration.
Posted on Wed, 26 May 2... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
16 |
7.134 |
26.05.2010, 20:15 |
Thema: Alania Open 2011 on June 10-12, 2011 in Aachen, Germany
Beitrag: Alania Open 2011 on June 10-12, 2011 in Aachen, Ge...
Alania Open 2011 on June 10-12, 2011 in Aachen, Germany
The Alania Open 2011 will take place on June 10-12, 2011 in Aachen, Germany. Check out the Alania Open 2011 website for more information and re... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
103 |
53.114 |
13.05.2011, 23:30 |
Thema: Alejandro Riveiro Rodríguez wins Montpellier Open 2010
Beitrag: Alejandro Riveiro Rodríguez wins Montpellier Open...
Alejandro Riveiro Rodríguez won the Montpellier Open 2010 with an average of 13.12 seconds. Benjamin Sintes finished second (13.26) and Thomas Watiotienne finished third (14.99).
Posted on Wed, 24 M... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
5 |
3.627 |
25.03.2010, 01:15 |
Thema: Alexander Lau wins Leicester Open 2013
Beitrag: Alexander Lau wins Leicester Open 2013
Alexander Lau won the Leicester Open 2013 with an average of 8.57 seconds. Morten Arborg finished second (9.05) and Robert Yau finished third (10.39).
Posted on Mon, 25 Feb 2013 22:18:40 +0000 at ht... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
7 |
3.984 |
26.02.2013, 00:16 |
Thema: Alexander Lau wins UK Open 2012
Beitrag: Alexander Lau wins UK Open 2012
Alexander Lau won the UK Open 2012 with an average of 9.24 seconds. Breandan Vallance finished second (9.80) and Rowan Kinneavy finished third (10.48).
Posted on Tue, 06 Nov 2012 21:14:13 +0000 at h... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
3 |
3.094 |
06.11.2012, 22:15 |
Thema: Alfrisa Diva Wandana wins Borneo Championship 2012
Beitrag: Alfrisa Diva Wandana wins Borneo Championship 2012
Alfrisa Diva Wandana won the Borneo Championship 2012 with an average of 10.92 seconds. Muhammad Badruddin finished second (11.89) and Adrian Jorghy finished third (11.95).
Posted on Mon, 23 Jan 201... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
3 |
2.102 |
23.01.2012, 02:36 |
Thema: Altbier 2011 on March 5-6, 2011 in Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany
Beitrag: Altbier 2011 on March 5-6, 2011 in Düsseldorf, NR...
Altbier 2011 on March 5-6, 2011 in Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany
The Altbier 2011 will take place on March 5-6, 2011 in Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany. Check out the Altbier 2011 website for more informatio... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
75 |
31.053 |
03.02.2011, 02:43 |
Thema: Altbier 2012 on February 25-26, 2012 in Düsseldorf, Germany
Beitrag: Altbier 2012 on February 25-26, 2012 in Düsseldor...
The Altbier 2012 will take place on February 25-26, 2012 in Düsseldorf, Germany. Check out the Altbier 2012 website for more information and registration.
Posted on Tue, 27 Dec 2011 13:04:24 +0000 ... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
4 |
2.903 |
27.12.2011, 14:15 |
Thema: Amos Tay Swee Hui wins UK Nationals 2010
Beitrag: Amos Tay Swee Hui wins UK Nationals 2010
Amos Tay Swee Hui won the UK Nationals 2010 with an average of 12.26 seconds. Joey Gouly finished second (13.42) and Rowan Kinneavy finished third (14.02).
Posted on Sat, 05 Jun 2010 19:48:00 +0000 a... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
5 |
2.531 |
05.06.2010, 21:15 |
Thema: Andrew Kang wins Marietta Open 2010
Beitrag: Andrew Kang wins Marietta Open 2010
Andrew Kang won the Marietta Open 2010 with an average of 13.25 seconds. Chris Foster finished second (14.61) and Shamah Taylor finished third (15.21).
Posted on Sun, 01 Aug 2010 05:29:25 +0000 at ht... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
3 |
2.657 |
01.08.2010, 07:23 |
Thema: Andrew Ricci wins Princeton Fall 2011
Beitrag: Andrew Ricci wins Princeton Fall 2011
Andrew Ricci won the Princeton Fall 2011 with an average of 11.00 seconds. Dan Cohen finished second (11.11) and John Tamanas finished third (11.41).
World records: Dan Cohen 4x4 Cube 35.54 (average).... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
4 |
2.221 |
29.09.2011, 17:16 |
Thema: Andrew Ricci wins United States National Championships 2012
Beitrag: Andrew Ricci wins United States National Champions...
Andrew Ricci won the United States National Championships 2012 with an average of 9.55 seconds. Phillip Espinoza finished second (9.64) and Kevin Hays finished third (9.82).
Asian records: Baramee Poo... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
13 |
11.329 |
06.08.2012, 09:16 |
Thema: Anson Lin wins Auckland Autumn Open 2011
Beitrag: Anson Lin wins Auckland Autumn Open 2011
Anson Lin wins Auckland Autumn Open 2011
Anson Lin won the Auckland Autumn Open 2011 with an average of 10.46 seconds. Dene Beardsley finished second (14.96) and David Lim finished third (15.05).
... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
5 |
2.972 |
09.05.2011, 01:41 |
Thema: Anssi Vanhala wins Estonian Open 2009
Beitrag: Anssi Vanhala wins Estonian Open 2009
Anssi Vanhala won the Estonian Open 2009 with an average of 13.79 seconds. Teemu Tiinanen finished second (18.70) and Jass Murutalu finished third (20.93).
World records: Anssi Vanhala 3x3 with feet 3... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
13 |
7.359 |
08.11.2009, 21:15 |
Thema: Anssi Vanhala wins Helsinki Open 2010
Beitrag: Anssi Vanhala wins Helsinki Open 2010
Anssi Vanhala won the Helsinki Open 2010 with an average of 11.97 seconds. Ville Seppänen finished second (13.89) and Teemu Tiinanen finished third (14.78).
Posted on Sat, 27 Feb 2010 22:52:18 +0000... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
3 |
2.253 |
28.02.2010, 00:15 |
Thema: Anthony Brooks wins Dayton Fall 2011
Beitrag: Anthony Brooks wins Dayton Fall 2011
Anthony Brooks won the Dayton Fall 2011 with an average of 11.04 seconds. Chester Lian finished second (13.44) and Blake Thompson finished third (13.89).
North American records: Anthony Brooks Rubik... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
3 |
2.224 |
17.10.2011, 16:15 |
Thema: Anthony Brooks wins Indiana 2011
Beitrag: Anthony Brooks wins Indiana 2011
Anthony Brooks won the Indiana 2011 with an average of 10.16 seconds. Austin Moore finished second (11.61) and John Brechon finished third (12.92).
African records: Emile Compion Rubik's Cube 13.... |
WCA News |
WCA Competitions
3 |
2.096 |
10.11.2011, 17:15 |