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Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
3. 1 hour limit:
(R') // EO 1st part
F2 U B' R' // EO 2nd part
(B' L2 D) // pseudo 2x2x2
L2 D' * F' D R2 // pseudo F2L-1 -1 corner
(U2 D' F D U' F' D' F2 # D F' U) // AB4C
* D2 F' U2 F D2 F' U2 F
# ... |
marlond007 |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.961 |
01.05.2017, 12:14 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
2. 1 hour limit:
L B2 U' F' R' // EO
U // square
F' R2 F2 // 2x2x2
B2 // 2x2x2 + square
L2 U * B L2 B2 U # // F2L-1 -1 corner
B D' B' D // AB5C
* L' F' L B L' F L B'
# L' F2 L B L' F2 L B'
Solution... |
marlond007 |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.961 |
30.04.2017, 20:37 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
1. 1 hour limit:
L' D' B F R' // EO
L2 * U' // square
B' // 2x2x2
L2 F' L2 F2 // 2x2x3
D' L2 // 2x2x3 + square
D' L2 // AB3C3E
D F' D' F // AB3C
* L2 F' R' F L2 F' R F
Solution: L' D' B F... |
marlond007 |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.961 |
30.04.2017, 17:27 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
#3 - 1 hour limit:
B2 U L2 B' // EO
D2 L // 2x2x1
U // 2x2x2
R D' R D2 R' F2 // 2x2x3
D R D' R // F2L-1
D L' D R D' R' L D' // AB3C
Skeleton: B2 U L2 B' D2 L U R D' R D2 R' F2 * D R D' R D L' D R D'... |
marlond007 |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.961 |
15.04.2017, 17:02 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
#2 - 1 hour limit:
D B U L // EO
D2 // 2x2x1
D2 L2 D2 F B' // 2x2x2
B' U' B L2 // 2x2x3
F2 // F2L-1 -1 corner
D' U2 F U F' U2 D // AB5C
Skeleton: D2 L2 D2 F B2 U' B L2 # F2 D' U2 ... |
marlond007 |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.961 |
15.04.2017, 15:42 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
#1 - 1 hour limit:
D L' U B // EO
L' // pseudo square
B2 // 2x2x1
R' D' // 2x2x3 -1 corner
U L // F2L-1 -1 corner
D2 U2 L U L' D2 // AB5C
Skeleton: B2 D2 L U' L' U2 D2 L... |
marlond007 |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.961 |
14.04.2017, 21:04 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
1. Solution: B L B2 U' B L' U2 L2 U L' D' U L U' L' D B D F2 D' L F' L' B' L R' D L B' R' (30)
Spoiler (Click to View)Scramble: L D' B R F' D L2 D' R L' B2 D F2 U' L2 D' F2 R2 D' F2 D'
R B ... |
marlond007 |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.961 |
04.08.2015, 19:08 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
1. (no limit) Solution: D' U' R' U L' U' R U' L D L' B R' F2 U B U' F2 L' B' L' B D L2 F' D2 F D2 (28)
Spoiler (Click to View)L’ U2 B R’ // 2x2x2
U B U’ // 2x2x3
L’ B’ L’ B D L2 // F2L-1
F... |
marlond007 |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.961 |
07.04.2015, 04:38 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
1. DNF
2. Solution: U F R2 U D F L’ F2 U2 L2 U’ R F2 D’ B2 D F2 D’ B2 R F2 D’ R’ D R2 D’ R D’ (28)
U F R2 U D F // EO
L’ F2 // 2x2x1
U2 L2 U’ // 2x2x2
R D’ R F2 // pseud... |
marlond007 |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.961 |
31.03.2015, 03:29 |
Thema: Fewest Moves Challenge
Beitrag: RE: Fewest Moves Challenge
1. Solution (no limit): F U2 R U’ R’ U R F R’ F’ U2 R2 B L’ B’ R B L U2 B’ U R F’ L2 D’ L D’ F’ L’ (29)
Premove: U2 F’
L F D // 2x2x1 (3)
L’ D L2 F // pseudo... |
marlond007 |
Forencompetitions / Battle-Area
6.384 |
3.365.961 |
25.03.2015, 03:28 |