Sébastien Auroux retires as WCA board member - Linus F - 24.02.2014
Zitat:Sébastien Auroux decided to resign from his position as WCA board member, for personal reasons.
Sébastien started as a board member on July 28, 2012. His contributions to WCA have been immense.
Through his hard work WCA made a large step forward with the establishment of more structure in the organisation, with involving more people in the processes, with the public communication, with the regulations and with the follow-up on incidents. Sébastien also did a lot of work in announcing competitions and posting competition results. Not to mention all the activities that he did for WCA in his position as WCA delegate for Germany.
See below for the announcement that Sébastien made to the WCA delegates.
We thank Sébastien very much for his work.
Sébastien will continue to work for WCA as a WCA delegate for Germany.
He will also stay part of the WCA results team.
WCA board will decide in the upcoming weeks how the gap in the board will be filled.
Have fun,
Ron, Ilkyoo, Natán, Tim
==== message of Sébastien to WCA delegates ====
Dear all,
joining the WRC in 2011 and the WCA Board in the middle of 2012 has massively influenced my life. I have always been eager to get things done effectively, mainly to improve the structure of the WCA and to make regular procedures less dependant from the WCA Board.
While being happy about my achievements as a WCA Board member, I often felt like I would devote too much time into this task. I couldn't stop myself from doing so, because I always felt being responsible to take care of everything. This culminated in the beginning of this year with the controversy after the release of 2014's regulations, in which I had to face many personal attacks, and raising pressure at my daily job, when I started feeling very worn out and realized, that my personal life suffers too much from my intense work for the WCA.
I managed to slightly reduce the time I devote to the Board work this month, but I also kept massively thinking about leaving the Board ever since. Getting some distance from the Board‘s daily work made me reflect about my Board position in general. I came to the conclusion, that I have accomplished basically everything that I wanted to get done and that my motivation to handle daily incidents was slowly fading away. Without going into details, my recent contributions have definitely suffered from this.
As a result, I have decided to resign from my position as WCA Board member, to open the place for someone new with fresh energy. I am very confident that the remaining board members (that are already informed about my course of action) will wisely decide on how to fill the gap that I’m now leaving.
While resigning from the WCA Board, I will still remain as WCA Delegate for Germany and keep being very active in our sport that I’m still loving, even after so many years.
Happy Cubing,
Sébastien Auroux
Hier ist der Link zum ursprünglichen Post im WCA-Forum.
Danke Basti für deine Arbeit als Board Member!
RE: Sébastien Auroux retires as WCA board member - AmazingCuber - 25.02.2014
Danke Basti für dein großes Engagement! Schade das du nun das Board verlässt, aber ich kann dich verstehen.
RE: Sébastien Auroux retires as WCA board member - chaoscuber - 25.02.2014
DANKE für die viele Arbeit die du da reingesteckt hast Schade drum ;( Aber wenigstens bleibt er als Delegate aktiv und man sieht ihn hoffentlich auf noch genauso vielen Comps
Edit: wer übernimmt jetzt?
Sébastien Auroux retires as WCA board member - AmazingCuber - 25.02.2014
(25.02.2014, 14:51)Chaoscuber schrieb: DANKE für die viele Arbeit die du da reingesteckt hast Schade drum ;( Aber wenigstens bleibt er als Delegate aktiv und man sieht ihn hoffentlich auf noch genauso vielen Comps
Edit: wer übernimmt jetzt?
Lies den OP! "Will decide how to fill this gap in the upcoming weeks ..."
RE: Sébastien Auroux retires as WCA board member - chaoscuber - 25.02.2014
Schon klar, ich wollt nur wissen ob vielleicht schon jemand bestimmt ist
RE: Sébastien Auroux retires as WCA board member - Linus F - 25.02.2014
(25.02.2014, 15:29)Chaoscuber schrieb: Schon klar, ich wollt nur wissen ob vielleicht schon jemand bestimmt ist 
Das werden die ja wohl auch nicht von einen auf den nächsten Tag entscheiden. Wie wärs mit etwas Geduld? Wenn das Board soweit ist wird es der Community wohl auch noch mitteilen wer der Nachfolger sein wird.
RE: Sébastien Auroux retires as WCA board member - Laura - 25.02.2014
(25.02.2014, 14:51)Chaoscuber schrieb: Aber wenigstens bleibt er als Delegate aktiv und man sieht ihn hoffentlich auf noch genauso vielen Comps
Und da ja schon der Rest deines Postings kritisiert wurde, hab ich noch eine Anmerkung hierzu: was hat das eine mit dem anderen zu tun?
RE: Sébastien Auroux retires as WCA board member - Vossy - 25.02.2014
Ich finde es schade das Basti aufhört als boardmember mitzuwirken ! Aber ich verstehe es. Naja wenigstens taucht er nicht ganz unter, und bleibt Delegate. Naja kann man nichts machen :/