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Australian Nationals 2010 on September 4-5, 2010 in Melbourne, Australia - Druckversion

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Australian Nationals 2010 on September 4-5, 2010 in Melbourne, Australia - WCA News - 02.08.2010

The Australian Nationals 2010 will take place on September 4-5, 2010 in Melbourne, Australia. Check out the Australian Nationals 2010 website for more information and registration.

Posted on Mon, 02 Aug 2010 17:41:39 +0000 at http://www.worldcubeassociation.org/node/1121

RE: Australian Nationals 2010 on September 4-5, 2010 in Melbourne, Australia - david_sc - 04.09.2010

Faz schrieb:So I heard I did 2/2multi. 7.43 nl and 8.8 avg. 5x5 102 108 104+ 110 110 < 3

Wäre halt ein Average von 1:07.33 (SD = 2.49). Einfach unglaublich Smile

RE: Australian Nationals 2010 on September 4-5, 2010 in Melbourne, Australia - CorneliusD - 04.09.2010

Faz 14.76 OH avg WR...

RE: Australian Nationals 2010 on September 4-5, 2010 in Melbourne, Australia - david_sc - 04.09.2010

Faz schrieb:So uhh, I did good, except in 4x4, where I used 2 different cubes, neither of them mine.

6x6: Epic fail with pops and stuff
7x7: 4:1x meanish.
Multi 2/2!!
Sq1: 14.03, 18.9x avg
2x2: low 3 avg.
4x4: 45ish avg
5x5: 1:02.93, 1:08.xx, 1:04.16+, 1:10.xx, 1:10.0x
3x3: 8.5, 8.9, 7.43nl, 11, 9.06
OH: 14.76 average
Megaminx it was really dark and ****, so my avg was about 1:20. The stage lights sucked.

RE: Australian Nationals 2010 on September 4-5, 2010 in Melbourne, Australia - Nikto - 04.09.2010

Ich hör auf zu cuben *wein* Feliks demotiviert mich jedesmal aufs Neue ...