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Minghao Chen wins Shanghai Winter Cubing Festival 2010 - Druckversion

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Minghao Chen wins Shanghai Winter Cubing Festival 2010 - WCA News - 07.02.2010

Minghao Chen won the Shanghai Winter Cubing Festival 2010 with an average of 11.95 seconds. Freddie Yuan finished second (12.52) and Ruihang Huang finished third (16.37).
World records: Haiyan Zhuang 3x3 blindfolded 32.27 (single).

Posted on Sun, 07 Feb 2010 18:29:32 +0000 at http://www.worldcubeassociation.org/node/901

RE: Minghao Chen wins Shanghai Winter Cubing Festival 2010 - jonasam - 07.02.2010

der kerl is hammer krass

RE: Minghao Chen wins Shanghai Winter Cubing Festival 2010 - Fona - 08.02.2010

einfach nur krank!

RE: Minghao Chen wins Shanghai Winter Cubing Festival 2010 - Beatrice - 08.02.2010

(07.02.2010, 20:15)WCA News schrieb: World records: Haiyan Zhuang 3x3 blindfolded 32.27 (single).
