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Rekorde von toray - Druckversion

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RE: Moin zusammen :D / Rekorde von toray - toray - 28.12.2010

Danke Big Grin
Hab dann mal vesucht, so zu tun als wär ich colorneutral, mit mäßigen Ergebnissen (ist aber keine RA). Hab nach dem dritten Solve dazugeschrieben, welche Seite...

Statistics for 12-28-2010 16:11:35

Cubes Solved: 12/12
Number of Pops: 0
Average: 52.61
Standard Deviation: 5.92
Best Time: 36.36
Worst Time: 1:15.22

Individual Times:
1. 56.33 D' R D B' F D' U F U R' D U F' L D2 U B' F2 L D' L' R2 U' L F2
2. 53.24 L D L' R2 U2 B D2 U2 B2 F' L2 R D U L' R2 B' D R2 U F L2 D2 L R
3. 1:03.34 D' F R D2 B' F2 D2 U2 R' D B2 F' R2 U L' B2 D' B L D' U2 L B F' R2
4. 57.44 R B2 F D' F' D U L' B' F' L' B' D U F L' D2 R D' U2 R2 D R' U' B (on orange)
5. 1:00.31 F2 L' R2 B F U2 F' D2 B' D U' B R B' F L' R F D' U2 B2 R2 D2 B2 D2 (on blue)
6. 46.31 D' U2 B2 D' F' D' B' D' U L D2 B R' B' F' U' F U2 B2 L2 D L U B' R2 (on white)
7. 50.29 U2 B' D' L R2 B' L2 R2 D' U' B2 F D2 R F R' U' F R B2 D2 U2 L' R' B (on white)
8. 41.83 D U2 B F' D U F' D2 B2 U' B' R2 D' U' B' L2 D' B2 F' U2 L R' F2 L' F' (on green (Big Grin))
9. (1:15.22) D2 U2 R2 U L2 D U R2 D' B2 F2 U' F2 U' L2 R B D' R F L2 D2 U B2 U (on yellow (fail))
10. (36.36) D U' L' B F2 D' U2 B F2 R D U' L2 D2 U' B R2 U' B D2 R' D' U2 B' U (on white)
11. 45.90 U' B2 F' D' B L2 R F2 L' B D2 L R B D2 U L2 R' F2 U B L R' F2 L (on yellow)
12. 51.13 D2 U F L2 B2 F2 R2 U2 L2 R2 F U' F' L2 R2 D F L R D U2 L' D2 U2 F' (on blue)

RE: Rekorde von toray - Floppyfeind - 28.12.2010

Wenn du früh damit anfängst, wird es dir später sehr viel bringen Smile.
Bleib dabei Wink. Das Zaubermittel ist halt leider Üben ^^.

RE: Rekorde von toray - toray - 30.12.2010


Avg of 100: 47.29
Statistics for 12-30-2010 07:52:32 (Click to View)
Avg of 12 PB: 44.00
Statistics for 12-30-2010 07:53:39 (Click to View)
Avg of 5: 42.16
Statistics for 12-30-2010 07:54:42 (Click to View)
33.11 L' R' D' U' B F2 D U' B F' D L R U' L2 R D2 U' L2 U' R U L R2 D

RE: Rekorde von toray - toray - 16.01.2011

War im Urlaub und auf Klassenfahrt, daher nur Singles:
Lucky: 26.00
Nonlucky: 28.59
PB Avgs dürften sub 40 sein...

RE: Rekorde von toray - Nudel - 16.01.2011

Glückwunsch Big Grin
sub30 single is doch was schönes Smile

RE: Rekorde von toray - VivalaCubo - 16.01.2011

Glückwunsch! Habe heute ähnliche Zeiten ercubt^^

RE: Rekorde von toray - JonasB - 16.01.2011

Yeah Sub30 ist super..hab mich imer voll gefreut *g*
Mach immer weiter so!

RE: Rekorde von toray - toray - 23.01.2011

So, hab nachdem ich in der letzten zeit eig nur Bigcubes gelöst habe (nur mit Zettel), hab ich vorhin mal wieder 3er - Zeiten genommen Big Grin

PB Avg of 12: 37.60
Statistics for 01-23-2011 21:25:14 (Click to View)
PB Avg of 5: 33.69
Statistics for 01-23-2011 21:26:16 (Click to View)

RE: Rekorde von toray - toray - 30.01.2011

Grad im OCS 3x3 PBs gemacht Big Grin

Avg of 5:
00:27.119 => NL Single PB Big Grin
= 00:32.857

RE: Rekorde von toray - toray - 31.01.2011

grad im ocs NL Single Big Grin
00:26.399 U2 B R' U' R' B2 U2 R' B2 U' B2 R' B U' B2 L B' U2 R L' U2 B' F2 U2 L