19.12.2010, 19:49
(19.12.2010, 13:19)Manni schrieb: [ -> ]Wo hat der YongJun bite Federn? o.O
Oops, Kommando zurueck, das hatte ich wohl falsch in Erinnerung, sorry.
(19.12.2010, 13:19)Manni schrieb: [ -> ]Wo hat der YongJun bite Federn? o.O
(20.12.2010, 00:29)Sébastien schrieb: [ -> ]Hier mal mein Wort zum Sonntag:Sagte er am Montag...
Zitat:Does anyone believes that we don't work hard and we don't want to release all the cubes? Does anyone believe that we like the situation with the clones or we are just egoists and want to control all the market? This is not the case here. We work very hard, we are marketing the products, we support our customers, we are improving our overall image and presentations, we taking good care of our quality, we are building strong co-operations. We are doing this in a middle of the economical crisis, with the US$ weak and having...half of China copying us.
However, we cannot produce all the cubes at once because the Chinese want to steal our money and are in a rush. We are following a plan and we are very sure that every cuber in this world will be very happy with all the V-Cubes that are going to follow, starting from February. We are releasing a smaller cube on Febrauary and we will announce the good news to the world cubers very soon. The cube will be a super robust speedcube, we guarantee this. We are also working on the next small V-CUBE so that we will release it before Christmass 2011. We will release 2 more cubes during 2012 and 2 more in 2013 and so on. Please show some patience guys. We are only 2+1/2 years in the market.
When the clone 9x9 and 11x11 hit the market we thought to produce these first, but we changed our mind and we are going down this time.
(20.12.2010, 00:29)Sébastien schrieb: [ -> ]Wenn Verdes recht behält in diesem Fall, dann ist die Firma einfach kriminell, ganz einfach.
(20.12.2010, 00:29)Sébastien schrieb: [ -> ]Vor allem sind Patente keine teuflische Erfindung von Verdes, sondern sind seit jeher dazu Gedacht, die Erfindungen kluger Leute vor der Gier von Nachahmern zu schützen.
(20.12.2010, 00:29)Sébastien schrieb: [ -> ]Verdes hat übrigens schon vor 2 Monaten angefangen, gegen Dayan vorzugehen. Dass dies nun Wirkung zeigt, zeigt vor allem nur, dass offensichtlich etwas Wahres dadran ist, dass Dayan gegen Verdes' Patent verstößt.
(20.12.2010, 06:15)Stefan Pochmann schrieb: [ -> ](20.12.2010, 00:29)Sébastien schrieb: [ -> ]Wenn Verdes recht behält in diesem Fall, dann ist die Firma einfach kriminell, ganz einfach.
Recht mit was genau? Dass der Cube das Patent verletzt, oder dass er "kopiert" wurde? Kann ja auch sein, dass Dayan wirklich selbst auf sein Design gekommen ist, ausgehend von der Idee mit der kleinen Kugel. Wuerd ich dann nicht kriminell nennen.
Zitat:The last 18 months we are being hit by an uneven, unethical, daily attack from tens of companies from China copying whatever they can, stealing us from everywhere , producing higher and lowered v-cubes, distracting us from our goals, even claiming originilaty in China... Almost every 2 months a new clone is born. Hundreds of Chinese and tens of European and US based sellers are making money on our back and trying every day to sell the clones through web and in the market. In China and Asia the clones are everywhere.
As you know we have invested a huge amount of money to protect the V-CUBE invention,(that we haven't amortize not even the 1% due to the clones and the low margins), and we are now using this advantage that the patents are offering to us.
We have developed a team working -at least- on reporting fake items from websites that are arising like rain from everywhere. Some good Friends are usually sending us the clones and after inspecting them, we start reporting through PayPal, EBay, credit card companies and in every way that we can. Thank God that these companies developed an Acceptable Use Policy and help really much the companies that their IPR is being violated. They have their own, private, lawful system and are taking actions against the infringers that we -of course- don't control, neither know even when the items are finally removed. Their legal department is huge and acting solely without asking us what to do...
We are just reporting the links or the auctions.
The same happened with this Dayan cube. We inspected it, saw the infringment and we started to reporting it. We are doing it for almost two months, we didn't start before 2 days. The situation that is happening these last days is very sad, unexpected, evil, impolite and disappointing.
(20.12.2010, 11:00)Sébastien schrieb: [ -> ](20.12.2010, 06:15)Stefan Pochmann schrieb: [ -> ](20.12.2010, 00:29)Sébastien schrieb: [ -> ]Wenn Verdes recht behält in diesem Fall, dann ist die Firma einfach kriminell, ganz einfach.
Recht mit was genau? Dass der Cube das Patent verletzt, oder dass er "kopiert" wurde? Kann ja auch sein, dass Dayan wirklich selbst auf sein Design gekommen ist, ausgehend von der Idee mit der kleinen Kugel. Wuerd ich dann nicht kriminell nennen.
Macht das einen Unterschied?
(20.12.2010, 06:15)Stefan Pochmann schrieb: [ -> ]Recht mit was genau? Dass der Cube das Patent verletzt, oder dass er "kopiert" wurde? Kann ja auch sein, dass Dayan wirklich selbst auf sein Design gekommen ist, ausgehend von der Idee mit der kleinen Kugel. Wuerd ich dann nicht kriminell nennen.
(20.12.2010, 11:00)Sébastien schrieb: [ -> ]Macht das einen Unterschied? In jedem Fall kommt eine Patentsverletzung heraus.