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Ich mach ortega! Und LanLan ist echt cool.

Aber jetzt kommts:

23.61 D L' U B2 D2 U B2 F2 R D' L2 F D' R2 D' U B' F' L' R B2 U B U' B

NL!!!Ich kann mich nur noch daran erinnern, dass erst ANTI-SUNE case und dann U-Perm counterclockwise kam.
Statistics for 03-08-2011 15:31:09

Cubes Solved: 50/50
Number of Pops: 0
Average: 33.31
Standard Deviation: 3.72
Best Time: 23.61
Worst Time: 48.05
Individual Times:
Statistics for 03-08-2011 15:38:45

Cubes Solved: 12/12
Number of Pops: 0
Average: 8.70
Standard Deviation: 1.36
Best Time: 5.45
Worst Time: 10.08
Individual Times:
Statistics for 03-08-2011 15:43:47

Cubes Solved: 5/5
Number of Pops: 0
Average: 7.54
Standard Deviation: 0.91
Best Time: 6.41
Worst Time: 9.14
Individual Times:
1. 7.10 R2 U F2 U F' U F' U2 F'
2. 9.14 R U' F U F2 U2 R U'
3. 7.34 R F' R' F R U2 R F'
4. 7.72 U R2 U R' F2 R' F R'
5. 6.41 F R U2 R' F R2 U' R'

Geht ja ganz schön schnell hier :O.
Ist bei den Geschwindigkeiten ja auch kein Wunder Big Grin

Rubikscuber macht auch Sprünge

2x2x2 Onehanded:

Statistics for 03-09-2011 15:39:46

Cubes Solved: 5/5
Number of Pops: 0
Average: 33.45
Standard Deviation: 10.16
Best Time: 18.90
Worst Time: 47.15
Individual Times:
1. 31.89 F2 U2 R' F R' F R' F2 R2
2. 42.12 U R' F' R2 U R U' R
3. 18.90 R2 U F U F2 U R2 U' F U2
4. 27.19 F2 U' F2 U R' U2 R2 U' F' FL-SKIP
5. 47.15 R2 F' U R2 U F2 R' F' R
..also du musst echt zuviel zeit haben, wenn du 2x2 OH machst :-)
Rubiks Magic:

Statistics for 03-10-2011 16:02:02

Cubes Solved: 5/5
Number of Pops: 0
Average: 2.65
Standard Deviation: 0.41
Best Time: 2.10
Worst Time: 3.34
Individual Times:
1. 2.63
2. 3.34
3. 2.41
4. 2.76
5. 2.10
L2 D2 L B2 F' L R U' L R2 D U R2 D' F' R' U' L R D' L2 R' F2 L R2


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