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Normale Version: Cuber26 Rekorde
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Average of 100 PB mit avg of 5 und of 12 PB.Die 9.78 war mit Pll Skip.

Rubik's cube

Mean: 14.31
Standard deviation: 1.85
Best Time: 9.78
Worst Time: 19.92

Best average of 5: 10.78
10.81 11.06 (15.24) 10.48 (9.78)

Best average of 12: 12.88
11.51 14.28 14.85 13.54 12.94 (15.74) 14.08 10.81 11.06 15.24 10.48 (9.78)

Wau :O.
Konstant sub 14.5 *-*
7x7 Single PB

L 2B' 3U' R2 U 2D2 R' 2U' 3D' 3R R' 3D2 L' 3D 2L D' 3L U 2D2 L' 2F L 2L2 D 3F U2 3D 3B' D2 B2 L2 3R2 2B' 3D2 3F' D R 3F2 3R' R' 3D 2F 3F2 3B' B 3L F2 D 3F2 B' 3R' 3B' D 2L2 U' 2D2 3F2 L2 2F' 3F R2 F 2L R2 F 3L 3B2 2R 3D' 2D 2R F' 3F 3U2 B2 R' F' 3L2 D' B2 3D' 2R 2D D2 3R2 2R' F' 2U 2R2 F2 3F2 2D 3F R2 B' 3U2 2L2 3L' 3D' L2

Vielen Dank, cuber26!
Deine Daten ( Single: 1:41.15, Average: 1:53.18, Disziplin: 5x5x5 ) wurden erfolgreich übermittelt.

Sie haben ihre alte Bestzeit(Single) von 1:45.44 zu 1:41.15 verbessert!
Sie haben ihre alte Bestzeit(Average) von 2:09.99 zu 1:53.18 verbessert!
Ihre Bestzeit liegt nun bei:
Single: 1:41.15 , Average: 1:53.18

Bei der Dorencomp bei speedcubers.

Single und Average PB.
EYY! Übst du jetzt auch 5er? Big Grin
GW Wink
Nein, ich doch nicht.
Willst du mich einholen? Big Grin
3x3x3 OH Average of 5:
Best average of 5: 19.52
20.31 (17.03) 19.40 (20.50) 18.84
3x3x3 OH Average of 5 PB:

Best average of 5: 19.07
(18.03) 19.04 (21.17) 19.23 18.95

2. 18.03 B2 R2 F2 D2 F2 D F2 R2 L2 U L2 F D B2 U2 F2 R2 D' L' F2 R2
3. 19.04 F2 R2 D' B2 D' B2 U B2 U2 L2 U' F D' U L U R' B' R2 D2 L2 U'
4. 21.17 D U2 R2 U B2 U F2 D2 B2 L2 F2 R' B2 D F' D2 R F' U B' L' U'
5. 19.23 D2 B2 U R2 F2 D' R2 D2 U' B2 L2 F L' D R2 B' L2 U2 B' U
6. 18.95 R2 D' B2 U' B2 F2 L2 F2 D' B2 D' L' U F' U2 R D2 B F' L D' U'
5x5 Avgerage of 5 PB:

Best average of 5: 109.40
1:42.96 1:49.40 (2:13.81) 1:55.85 (1:42.21)
Jetzt bin ich happy.Big Grin
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